Recent Changes + Updates

Information included are recent changes, updates, or announcements occurring in the past year.

Transitioning from ePAC to Workday for Effort Reporting & Certification

  • VUMC employee research participants receiving compensation will now be processed like other research participants in relation to withholding and tax reporting requirements. Instead of having taxes directly withheld from their paychecks, employees will now receive a 1099 form at the end of the tax year if the amount reported to the VUMC Card Disbursement Office reaches the $600 reporting threshold, as with other participants. As a result, it is no longer necessary to ask a research participant if they are a VUMC employee; no longer necessary to ask questions and add branching logic to surveys directing employees to provide their VUMC Employee ID number; and no longer necessary to report employee compensation amounts to payroll. Instead, employee compensation should be reported to the VUMC Card Disbursement Office, just as with non-employee research participants for a given study. 

    If you currently have VUMC employee participants receiving compensation, please let them know of this change immediately. 

    If you have any questions about this change or research participant compensation in general, please email

  • A page has been added for Uniform Guidance Audit reports.  The current Uniform Guidance Audit for FY23 is available here.