Meet Anna, Pharmacy Technician Graduate

What motivated you to become a pharmacy technician?

I was interested in a career as a pharmacy tech because of the strong job market, the many opportunities for advancement, and the rewarding experience of being hands-on in helping people. The Vanderbilt training program was a great opportunity to get my foot in the door and gain the education and experience needed to begin my career as a pharmacy technician.


Why did you choose Vanderbilt?

Vanderbilt is widely known and consistently considered among the nation’s best. Vanderbilt is dedicated to caring for their patients, customers, employees and community. It is a great place to learn and grow! I chose to accept a full-time position on the clinical side of One Hundred Oaks Pharmacy because I really enjoyed the hands-on responsibilities, the location, the hours, and the family-oriented atmosphere that the team has here.


What did you like most about the Pharmacy Technician Training Program?

I really enjoyed my rotations! I came into the program without any prior experience as a technician, so the rotations really helped me see first-hand what it is like to work in several different pharmacy environments. It helped everything “click” that I had learned in class. The rotations helped me to make an informed decision about where I was interested in working full-time. There are so many different roles and responsibilities for technicians, different workplace environments, so it is nice to experience those, weigh your options and learn what works best for you!


What is the most important lesson you learned in the program?

My goal throughout the program was to pass my certification exam and accept a full-time position upon graduation. The amazing people in this program helped me to reach this goal! I have been working at One Hundred Oaks Pharmacy since Jan. 2021 and recently advanced to Tech 2! I have had the wonderful opportunity of training students in the program as they go through their rotations at OHO! The program definitely set me up to be well-equipped for my current position and helped me gain confidence and make connections and friendships.


What advice would you give a future student? 

If all of this is new to you: Keep an open mind! I did not think I would be interested in compounding sterile products at first because of all the rules, but it is a big part of my job now and I really do enjoy it! It is a good skill to have that can open up additional opportunities for you as a technician.

Take advantage of the people you meet and the connections you make along the way! Everyone I met throughout the program was extremely knowledgeable, kind, and willing to help me meet my career goals. Pharmacy is a small world, so foster good connections and positive relationships with the people around you!