Meet Kammryn, Pharmacy Technician Graduate

What motivated you to become a pharmacy technician?

I've always known I wanted to do something medically aligned but there were so many options. I narrowed down to working in a lab/sterile environment, so having already done medical laboratory technician work, I decided to give pharmacy technician a try!


Why did you choose Vanderbilt?

Honestly, just the name. Growing up, my family worked there and hearing of all the medical breakthroughs as well as the different staffed professionals, I knew that was where I wanted to be.


What did you like most about the Pharmacy Technician Training Program?

I liked the comfort of being able to work from home but I also had a blast during externship rotations! I met a lot of great people and also had a previous student as a mentor myself! It was really fun and a great experience overall.


What is the most important lesson you learned in the program?

Discipline for sure. I drove 4 hours two ways every day for my rotations and even till this day still make that drive. Having to get up extremely early to make it to places on time and even forfeit things I wanted to do for the chance of a better future for myself and family.


What advice would you give a future student? 

Don't be afraid to ask questions. I assure you everyone just wants you to succeed as much as you want yourself to. Who knows, maybe others have the same concerns and could use a friend to be a voice for them.