Visiting Students

VUMC offers rewarding clinical experience opportunities for allied health visiting students. CPiAH helps facilitate these opportunities.
Please note:

  • Student placement is determined by individual VUMC clinical departments. CPiAH does not place visiting students for rotation or secure contacts for any department.
  • Before a rotation is finalized, CPiAH must confirm that a formal affiliation agreement exists between the partner school (where the student is enrolled) and the VUMC department where the student will rotate.

For Prospective Visiting Students

We are delighted that you wish to pursue a clinical rotation at VUMC! To inquire about placement opportunities, please visit VUMC's home page, scroll down, and click on “Academic Departments.” Please be aware that a VUMC department must agree to accept you for a rotation placement. After you have found a match, work with that department and your home school to finalize your rotation start and end dates. Your school will complete a required form on your behalf (details below). 

After confirming that your school and the VUMC department have an affiliation agreement, CPiAH will process that form and send you a welcome packet with details about your next steps. Please ensure that you complete all steps required by VUMC and/or your clinical department before your rotation begins.

For Partner Schools

Thank you for supporting students as they explore clinical rotation opportunities in allied health at VUMC! An active affiliation agreement must be in place between your school and the VUMC department that has accepted your student for rotation. If you are unsure about your affiliation status, please email After confirming your affiliation agreement and the student's rotation start and end dates, please complete the Allied Health Visiting Student Form on behalf of the student using this link. This form must be submitted no earlier than 90 days and no later than 30 days before the rotation begins.

For VUMC Clinical Departments

If you wish to place a visiting student for a clinical rotation in your department but do not have an affiliation agreement with the student’s school, CPiAH will initiate one on your behalf. We also manage existing contracts, including renewals. Please confirm the student's rotation start and end date first. If the student needs a badge, EPIC access, etc., your department will need to initiate that request. Please feel free to email with any questions.