Friday Biostatistics Clinics

Benefits of Biostatistics to Basic and Animal Researchers (a compilation of reasons to seek biostatistical support for your project)

We can provide assistance with experimental design, sample size calculations, and statistical analysis plan. Additionally, we have the ability to determine the level of statistical need for project(s), in order to allocate sufficient resources to complete quantitative solutions in a timely manner. Our work with the Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education (ACCRE) allows us to integrate statistical methods with high-performance computing. We can help projects with statistical programming needs that warrant using parallel methods.

Quantitative Methods Development

Emerging measurement technologies provide unprecedented ability to measure individual components of complex systems. Many of these techniques share the characteristics of making quantitative measurements, but are limited in that only relative intensity is measured (often in arbitrary units). Nuisance variation affecting an entire observational unit (e.g., a gel, a microarray, a spectrum) is frequently present, and complicates ensuing data analysis. With these new assays, we require new quantitative methods; methods to account for inherent nuisance variation, and to aid interpretation of the assay in its biological/medical context.

We can provide quantitative expertise and assistance in developing new measurement techniques with respect to validity and reproducibility. We stress that quantitative methods development must reflect laboratory and biological knowledge. This requires close collaboration between laboratory scientists, clinicians and biostatisticians at all phases of assay development.

Types of Quantitative Development We Are Currently Examining

  • Units of measurement need to be clearly specified and analyzed appropriately (e.g., real time RT-PCR data)
  • Variation in repeated measurements from all biologic techniques need to be assessed and analyzed appropriately. This includes both between sample variation and within sample variation.
  • Evaluation of normalization methods used in measurement techniques (e.g., blotting, real-time RT-PCR, and tissue microarray).
  • Methods for assay validation and standardization.

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