Congratulations to data scientist assistant Hua-Chang Chen on the publication of "EVPsort: An atlas of small ncRNA profiling and sorting in extracellular vesicles and particles." The pre-proof was published online in the Journal of Molecular Biology on April 10, with research assistant professor Jing Wang as a co-author, and professors Yu Shyr and Qi Liu as corresponding authors, along with colleagues in Vanderbilt's Departments of Cell and Developmental Biology, Medicine, Biological Sciences, and Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology. EVP stands for "extracellular vesicles and particles." The EVPsort database "not only provides an extensive overview of ncRNA [non-coding RNAs] profiling in 3,162 samples across various biofluids, cell lines, and disease contexts but also seamlessly integrates 19 external databases and tools" and is freely accessible at