Jing Wang wins 2024 Faculty Development Award

Congratulations to research assistant professor Jing Wang, the 2024 winner of our department's Faculty Development Award. Her proposal was deemed the best in a field of highly competitive submissions for a one-year pilot grant. Dr. Wang will use this funding to support an investigation that she hopes to build into a larger project: “Taking advantage of the dramatically increasing number of single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics studies, the project aims to develop cell-type-specific enhancer-mediated regulatory maps for functionally interpreting and prioritizing enhancer risk variants and causal genes.” Dr. Wang is shown here describing her project at the August 2024 faculty meeting, when the award was announced. Her accomplishments include first-authorship of a 2023 paper in Cancers (Basel) on small RNA profiling in human extracellular vesicles,