Assessment of regional variability in COVID-19 outcomes among patients with cancer in the United States.

  • Hawley JE, Sun T**, Chism DD, Duma N, Fu JC, Gatson NTN, Mishra S, Nguyen RH, Reid SA, Serrano OK, Singh SRK, Venepalli NK, Bakouny Z, Bashir B, Bilen MA, Caimi PF, Choueiri TK, Dawsey SJ, Fecher LA, Flora DB, Friese CR, Glover MJ, Gonzalez CJ, Goyal S, Halfdanarson TR, Hershman DL, Khan H, Labaki C, Lewis MA, McKay RR, Messing I, Pennell NA, Puc M, Ravindranathan D, Rhodes TD, Rivera AV, Roller J, Schwartz GK, Shah SA, Shaya JA, Streckfuss M, Thompson MA, Wulff-Burchfield EM, Xie Z, Yu PP, Warner JL, Shah DP, French B*, Hwang C. Assessment of regional variability in COVID-19 outcomes among patients with cancer in the United States. JAMA network open. 2022 Jan 4;5(5). e2142046. PMID: 34982158 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC8728628


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a distinct spatiotemporal pattern in the United States. Patients with cancer are at higher risk of severe complications from COVID-19, but it is not well known whether COVID-19 outcomes in this patient population were associated with geography.