Hannah Weeks Krason
PhD, 2023
Dissertation: Overcoming Challenges with Real World Data and Clinical Restrictions in Pharmacokinetic Analyses
Advisor: Matt Shotwell
BS, Mathematics and Psychology, Binghamton University
Publications include:
- "Sensitivity of estimated tacrolimus population pharmacokinetic profile to assumed dose timing and absorption in real-world data and simulated data" (British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2022)
- "Building longitudinal medication dose data using medication information extracted from clinical notes in electronic health records" (Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2021)
- "medExtractR: A targeted, customizable approach to medication extraction from electronic health records" (first author; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2020)
- "Development of a system for postmarketing population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies using real-world data from electronic health records" (Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2020)
- "Effect of preoperative opioid use on adverse outcomes, medical spending, and persistent opioid use following elective total joint arthroplasty in the United States: A large retrospective cohort study of administrative claims data" (Pain Medicine 2020)
More work can be viewed at GitHub, including the {pkpredict} R package
Service includes: ENAR Council of Emerging and New Statisticians, steering committee
Research interests include: pharmacokinetics, unmeasured confounders in observational data
Co-winner of the 2020 IT Innovation Award for {EHR}, an electronic health record data processing and analysis package that provides modules to perform medication-related studies.