ArrayGordon EJ, Lee J, Kang R, Uriarte J, Caicedo JC. Disparities Persist Among Hispanic Patients: Completing Evaluation, Waitlisting, and Receiving a Kidney Transplant Transplantation Direct. 2024 Mar. p. e1595.
Gordon EJ, Gacki-Smith J, Gooden MJ, Waite P, Yacat R, Abubakari ZR, Duquette D, Agrawal A, Friedewald J, Savage SK, Cooper M, Gilbert A, Muhammad LN, Wicklund C. Development of a culturally targeted chatbot to inform living kidney donor candidates of African ancestry about APOL1 genetic testing: a mixed methods study. Journal of community genetics. 2024 Feb 13.
Lin GT, Mitchell MB, Hammack-Aviran C, Gao Y, Liu D, Langerman A. Content and Readability of US Procedure Consent Forms. JAMA internal medicine. 2023 Dec 11.
Peetz A. Ethical Discharge Planning for Victims of Violence Medical Ethics Advisor; 2023 Aug;Vol. 39(Vol. 39). p. 121.
McCarthy AM, Boos EW, Anani UE, Clayton EW. Ethical Conflicts for Clinicians under Tennessee Abortion Law. The New England journal of medicine. 2023 May 11;388(388). 1735-1737.
Maldonado F, Eberl J. Bearing the Burden of "Innovation": The Ontological Implications of Substantial Equivalence and the FDA 510(K) Pathway. Chest. 2023 May;163(163). 1225-1227.
Benedetti D, Hammack-Aviran C, Diehl C, Beskow L. Landscape of pediatric cancer treatment refusal and abandonment in the US: A qualitative study Frontiers in Pediatrics; 2023 Jan 9. 1-10.
King N, Henderson G, Churchill L. Bioethics Reenvisioned: A Path toward Health Justice University of North Carolina Press ; 2022 Dec. 214 pp.
Nieuwsma JA, O'Brien EC, Xu H, Smigelsky MA, Meador KG. Patterns of Potential Moral Injury in Post-9/11 Combat Veterans and COVID-19 Healthcare Workers. Journal of general internal medicine. 2022 Apr 5.
Landeen KC, Langerman A, Maldonado F. An Oversight in Oversight: Reconciling the Medical Device Industry, Clinicians, and Regulation. Chest. 2022 Jan;161(161). 300-302.
Chotai P, Kuzemchak M, Patel M, Hammack-Aviran C, Dennis B, Gondek S, Guillamondegui O, Meador K, Wallston K, Peetz A. The choices we make: Ethical challenges in trauma surgery Elsevier ; 2022 Jan. 1-7.
Makhoul AT, Drolet BC. A Reserve System for the Equitable Allocation of a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccine. Chest. 2021 Dec;159(159). 1292-1293.
Lanphier E, Anani UE. Trauma Informed Ethics Consultation. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. 2021 Mar 8. 1-13.
Peetz AB., Kuzemchak MD., Streams JR., Patel MB., Guillamondegui OD., Dennis BM., Betzold RD., Gunter OL., Karp SJ., Beskow LM.. Regional ethics of surgeon resuscitation for organ transplantation after lethal injury Surgery. Elsevier; 2021 Jan 9.
Peetz AB, Kuzemchak MD, Streams JR, Patel MB, Guillamondegui OD, Dennis BM, Betzold RD, Gunter OL, Karp SJ, Beskow LM. Regional ethics of surgeon resuscitation for organ transplantation after lethal injury. Surgery. 2021 Jan 9.
Benedetti DJ, Lewis-Newby M, Roberts JS, Diekema DS. Pandemics and Beyond: Considerations When Personal Risk and Professional Obligations Converge. The Journal of clinical ethics. 32(32). 20-34.
Naguib M, Smetak M, Lin G, Quach W, Day RT, Drolet BS, Langerman A. Discussing the role of surgical trainees with patients:Challenges and opportunities American College of Surgeons. V106 No 5(V106 No 5).
Benedetti DJ, Langerman A. Not All Conflicts Are Bad: Why Some Conflicts of Interests Advance Patients' Interests. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. 2020 Sep 18;20(20). 92-94.
Wilfond BS, Duenas DM, Johnson LM. Conflicts of Interest and Recommendations for Clinical Treatments That Benefit Researchers. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. 2020 Sep 18;20(20). 90-91.
Jennings B. Remembering Hospice. The Hastings Center report. 2020 Sep;50(50). 40-41.
Evans BJ, Clayton EW. Deadly Delay: The FDA’s Role in America’s COVIDTesting Debacle 2020 Jul 29.
Liu Y, Salwi S, Drolet BC. Multivalue ethical framework for fair global allocation of a COVID-19 vaccine. Journal of medical ethics. 2020 Jun 12.
Day RT, Guidry BS, Drolet BC, Clayton EW. From Ventilators to Vaccines: Reframing the Ethics of Resource Allocation American Journal of Bioethics. 2020 Jun 11.
Wolf LE, Beskow LM. Genomic databases, subpoenas, and Certificates of Confidentiality. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. 2019 Jun 26.
Beskow KM. Weinfurt KP. Exploring Understanding of "Understanding": The Paradigm Case of Biobank Consent Comprehension. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. 2019 May;19(19). 6-18.
Hammack CM. Brelsford KM, Beskow LM. Thought Leader Perspectives on Participant Protections in Precision Medicine Research. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2019 Mar;47(47). 134-148. NIHMSID: NIHMS1013808.
Clayton EW. Enrichment sampling for a multi-site patient survey using electronic health records and census data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2019 Mar;26(26). 219-227.
ArrayCompton J, Meador K. A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature authored by medical professionals regarding US biomedicine's role in responding to climate change. Preventive medicine reports. 2019 Mar;13(13). 132-138.
Beskow LM. Brelsford KM, Hammack CM. Patient perspectives on use of electronic health records for research recruitment. BMC medical research methodology. 2019 Feb 26;19(19). 42 p.
Clayton EW. Physicians' perspectives on receiving unsolicited genomic results. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. 2019 Feb;21(21). 311-318.
Langerman A. Early onset oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma: Associated factors and patient outcomes. Head & neck. 2019 Jan.
Jennings B. Solidarity and care as relational practices. Bioethics. 2018 Dec;32(32). 553-561.
Clayton EW. It's all in the timing: calibrating temporal penalties for biomedical data sharing. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2018 Dec;25(25). 25-31.
Clayton EW. Navigating the research-clinical interface in genomic medicine: analysis from the CSER Consortium. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. 2018 Dec;20(20). 545-553.
Clayton EW. A genetically augmented future. Nature. 2018 Dec;564(564). S9.
Langerman A. Patient opinions regarding surgeon presence, trainee participation, and overlapping surgery. The Laryngoscope. 2018 Dec.
Brelsford KM. Beskow L. Developing informed consent materials for non-English-speaking participants: An analysis of four professional firm translations from English to Spanish. Clinical trials (London, England). 2018 Dec;15(15). 557-566.
Langerman A. Early onset oral tongue cancer in the United States: A literature review. Oral oncology. 2018 Dec;87(87). 1-7.
Clayton EW. Approaches to carrier testing and results disclosure in translational genomics research: The clinical sequencing exploratory research consortium experience. Molecular genetics & genomic medicine. 2018 Dec;6(6). 898-909.
Jennings B. Relational Ethics for Public Health: Interpreting Solidarity and Care. Health care analysis : HCA : journal of health philosophy and policy. 2018 Oct.
Langerman A. Papillary-Type Carcinoma of the Thyroglossal Duct Cyst: The Case for Conservative Management. The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology. 2018 Oct;127(127). 710-716.
Meador KG. Challenges in Open Access Publishing. JAMA surgery. 2018 Oct;153(153). 875-876.
Jennings B. Solidarity and Care Coming of Age: New Reasons in the Politics of Social Welfare Policy. The Hastings Center report. 2018 Sep;48 Suppl 3(48 Suppl 3). S19-S24.
Brelsford KM. Beskow LM. Research use of electronic health records: patients' perspectives on contact by researchers. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2018 Sep;25(25). 1122-1129.
Jennings B. Ethics codes and reflective practice in public health. Journal of public health (Oxford, England). 2018 Aug.
Langerman A. Nuanced Reporting of Fistulas in Laryngectomy Studies. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2018 Aug;159(159). 213-214.
Clayton EW. Commercial Interests, the Technological Imperative, and Advocates: Three Forces Driving Genomic Sequencing in Newborns. The Hastings Center report. 2018 Jul;48 Suppl 2(48 Suppl 2). S43-S44.
Langerman A. Head and Neck Cancer Patients: Rates, Reasons, and Risk Factors for 30-Day Unplanned Readmission. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2018 Jul;159(159). 149-157.
Clayton EW. Insurance Coverage Policies for Pharmacogenomic and Multi-Gene Testing for Cancer. Journal of personalized medicine. 2018 May;8(8).
Beskow LM. New and Improved? 21 Century Cures Act Revisions to Certificates of Confidentiality. American journal of law & medicine. 2018 May;44(44). 343-358.
Langerman A. How Should Trainee Autonomy and Oversight Be Managed in the Setting of Overlapping Surgery? AMA journal of ethics. 2018 Apr;20(20). 342-348.
Beskow LM, Brelsford K. Informed Consent in Translational Genomics: Insufficient Without Trustworthy Governance. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2018 Mar;46(46). 79-86.
Meador KG. Moral Injury: Contextualized Care. The Journal of medical humanities. 2018 Mar;39(39). 93-99.
Beskow LM. Pragmatic Tools for Sharing Genomic Research Results with the Relatives of Living and Deceased Research Participants. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2018 Mar;46(46). 87-109.
Clayton EW. Protecting Life While Preserving Liberty: Ethical Recommendations for Suicide Prevention With Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers in psychiatry. 9(9). 650 p.
Beskow LM. Brelsford KM. Thought leader perspectives on benefits and harms in precision medicine research. PloS one. 13(13). e0207842.
Clayton EW. A systematic literature review of individuals' perspectives on privacy and genetic information in the United States. PloS one. 13(13). e0204417.
Weinfurt KP. Bollinger JM, Brelsford KM, Bresciani M, Lamporin Z, Lin L, Topazian RJ, Sugarman J. Comparison of Approaches for Notification and Authorization in Pragmatic Clinical Research Evaluating Commonly Used Medical Practices. Medical care. 2017 Dec;55(55). 970-978. NIHMSID: NIHMS876643.
Clayton EW. Primum non nocere: the case against transplant for children with sickle cell anemia without progressive end-organ disease. Blood advances. 2017 Dec;1(1). 2568-2571.
Meador KG. Implementing Integrated Mental Health and Chaplain Care in a National Quality Improvement Initiative. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2017 Dec;68(68). 1213-1215.
Meador KG. A Next Step in Suicide Prevention. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2017 Dec;68(68). 422 p.
Langerman A. Are We Ready for Our Close-up?: Why and How We Must Embrace Video in the OR. Annals of surgery. 2017 Dec;266(266). 934-936.
Jennings B. Water Safety and Lead Regulation: Physicians' Community Health Responsibilities. AMA journal of ethics. 2017 Oct;19(19). 1027-1035.
Beskow LM. A survey of practices for the use of electronic health records to support research recruitment. Journal of clinical and translational science. 2017 Aug;1(1). 246-252.
Jennings B. The Moral Imagination of De-extinction. The Hastings Center report. 2017 Jul;47 Suppl 2(47 Suppl 2). S54-S59.
Jennings B. De-extinction and Conservation. The Hastings Center report. 2017 Jul;47 Suppl 2(47 Suppl 2). S2-S4.
Langerman A. Surgeon-patient communication during awake procedures. American journal of surgery. 2017 Jun;213(213). 996-1002.e1.
Beskow LM. Genotype-Driven Recruitment and the Disclosure of Individual Research Results. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. 2017 Apr;17(17). 64-65.
Jennings B. Bioethics and Populism: How Should Our Field Respond? The Hastings Center report. 2017 Mar;47(47). 11-16.
Langerman A. Standardization of Disposable Instruments in Microvascular Breast Reconstruction: A Case Study in Cost Reduction. Journal of reconstructive microsurgery. 2017 Feb;33(33). 92-96.
Clayton EW. Parents' attitudes toward consent and data sharing in biobanks: A multisite experimental survey. AJOB empirical bioethics. 9(9). 128-142.