The Pediatric Ethics Initiative in the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society provides a centralized hub for the wide range of activities that Vanderbilt faculty are working on related to ethical issues in pediatric care. Our mission is to advance the care of pediatric patients through education, service, and scholarship on the wide range of ethical topics that impact the health and wellbeing of children. Faculty members are involved in clinical bioethics, normative and empirical research, and pediatric ethics education activities across the learning spectrum.
We offer a wide range of ethics educational offerings throughout Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Specific activities include:
- Learning Communities - Foundations of Clinical Care, Pediatric Clerkship Ethics at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
- General Pediatrics Residents’ Ethics Curriculum at Monroe Carell
- Ethics Elective for Pediatric Residents
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Ethics Curriculum
- Neonatology Fellowship Ethics Curriculum
- Ethical Care of Children with Cancer and Blood Disorders, an Interprofessional Seminar