Clinical Practice Guidelines: Autoimmune Encephalitis


Autoimmune Encephalitis (CPG)

Autoimmune encephalitis, and specifically anti-NMDA encephalitis, is an increasingly recognized entity with over 40% of cases occurring in patients under the age of 18. The clinical course of the disease results in prolonged hospitalizations with multiple subspecialties involved.  Presenting symptoms and work-up varies widely and is often misdiagnosed resulting in both unnecessary testing and delay in treatment affecting both patient outcomes and hospital costs.  

The clinical practice guideline was developed with the  goal of standardization of care of presumed autoimmune encephalitis and ensure timely treatment while avoiding unnecessary work-up, based on current evidence and best practices. Therefore, the clinical practice guideline focuses on providing high-quality, cost-effective care by reducing unnecessary laboratory testing and imaging modalities, streamlining initial diagnosis, and timely treatment and early recognition of complications across multiple subspecialties.

Autoimmune Encephalitis guideline team

  • Emily Hanzlik, Pediatric Neurology
  • Lindsay Pagano, Pediatric Neurology
  • Brent Graham, Pediatric Rheumatology
  • Catherine Fuchs, Pediatric Psychiatry
  • Jennifer King, Pediatric Critical Care
  • Alison Herndon, Hospital Medicine
  • Jaycelyn Holland, Pediatric Emergency Department
  • Jaime K. Otillio, Pediatric Emergency Department