Buchman CA, Gifford RH, Haynes DS, Lenarz T, O'Donoghue G, Adunka O, Biever A, Briggs RJ, Carlson ML, Dai P, Driscoll CL, Francis HW, Gantz BJ, Gurgel RK, Hansen MR, Holcomb M, Karltorp E, Kirtane M, Larky J, Mylanus EAM, Roland JT, Saeed SR, Skarzynski H, Skarzynski PH, Syms M, Teagle H, Van de Heyning PH, Vincent C, Wu H, Yamasoba T, Zwolan T. Unilateral Cochlear Implants for Severe, Profound, or Moderate Sloping to Profound Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review and Consensus Statements. JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery. 2020 Aug 27.
Cochlear implants are a treatment option for individuals with severe, profound, or moderate sloping to profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) who receive little or no benefit from hearing aids; however, cochlear implantation in adults is still not routine.