Confidentiality Agreements

A Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement ("CDA") may also be referred to as a Nondisclosure Agreement, Secrecy Agreement or Confidentiality Agreement. The purpose of this type of agreement is to ensure that confidential information belonging to a party (or parties) to the agreement is protected. The CDA can be "one-way" when, for example, a sponsor is providing information to a PI so that he/she can determine if he/she wishes to participate sponsor's study. The CDA may be a two-way agreement when the PI and sponsor will both be disclosing confidential information in their discussions with one another. Both types of these CDAs are available in the Forms & Tools. If the sponsor-provided CDA does not require an institutional signature, review by OSP-CM is not required. If an institutional signature is required, or if VUMC is a party to the agreement, OSP-CM must review the CDA prior to signatures.

New CDAs must be submitted electronically via PEER. There is an expediated process for such submissions and processing of CDAs and fast-tracked.

How will OSP-CM handle your CDA?

  • New CDAs are promptly assigned to a Contract Analyst.
  • After reviewing the document, the Contract Analyst will contact the Sponsor with requested revisions. The PI and/or administrator that submitted the CDA to our office will be on all related correspondence.
  • The Contract Analyst will continue to work with the Sponsor and PI and/or administrator until the CDA is finalized.