Qingxia (Cindy) Chen, PhD

Professor and Vice Chair for Education
Department of Biostatistics
Biomedical Informatics, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
2525 West End Ave, Suite 1100
Room 11133A

Research Information

Dr. Chen's research encompasses both innovative statistical research and impactful biomedical research. Her statistical research currently centers around several key areas, including missing data, survival analysis, Bayesian methods, and penalized approaches. Additionally, she is dedicated to the development of statistical methods specifically designed to analyze multimodal data in precision medicine, such as survey data, electronic health records (EHRs), genetics information, and mobile data. Notably, she has been actively involved in the All of Us Research Program (https://allofus.nih.gov/), contributing her expertise to advance precision medicine initiatives.

In addition to her statistical pursuits, Dr. Chen has made significant contributions to various biomedical research domains. Her notable areas of focus include cancer, ophthalmology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and suicide. Through her interdisciplinary work, she aims to address critical challenges in these fields and make meaningful advancements that have a positive impact on patient outcomes and public health.

  • Statistical Analysis with Missing Data
  • Survival Data Analysis
  • Electronic Medical Record
  • Treatment switching/Noncompliance
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Semiparametric/Nonparametric Method, Robust Analysis
  • and More


More information: biostat.app.vumc.org/QingxiaChen