DBMI Seminar This Week: Leonard D'Avolio, 10/12

Below is this week's DBMI Seminar. See below for details and Zoom info!

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2022 at 12:00 PM CT

Event Type: DBMI Seminar
Title: "Career Choices in Medical Informatics"


Leonard D'Avolio, PhD
CEO of Blue Circle Health
Assistant Professor, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Twitter: @ldavolio

Learning Objectives:
1. Gain a better understanding of the different types of informatics-related careers one can have.
2. Understand the incentives of different types of healthcare organizations and their effects. 
3. Help medical informaticians make informed employment decisions. 

People graduating with skills in medical informatics are entering the field in a unique and tumultuous time. New ways of paying for care are creating an enormous need for people that can use data to learn what is and isn’t working and how to deliver care more efficiently. On the biomedical side, traditional bench science is being complemented, and in many places replaced, with data-intense discovery and simulation. It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of healthcare depends on informatics.

While the need is great, new entrants should be aware that this new data-driven way of thinking, designing, and implementing hasn’t taken hold everywhere in equal proportion. Most hospitals and clinics are still compensated for the volume and complexity of care delivered. It’s not uncommon for hospitals to manage more than a dozen reimbursement contracts, often with competing incentives. Few of the institutions that recognize the importance of data have any experience building teams and processes that lead to improved outcomes. As a result, newly minted informaticians can find themselves working on teams that don’t know how to utilize their skills and on projects that have little to do with improving care.

2525 West End Avenue, 8th Floor, Room 8110