COVID and Diabetes P&F Grant Guidelines

The Vanderbilt Diabetes Center, the NIH-funded Diabetes Research and Training Center, and the NIH-funded Center for Diabetes Translation Research seek pilot and feasibility proposals to study the interaction of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and diabetes. Research projects could focus on basic, clinical, or translational studies to improve our understanding of the COVID-diabetes connection, including pathogenic mechanisms, health care delivery, or long-term impact. Vanderbilt and Meharry faculty members of any rank or scientific background are eligible to submit an application by January 11, 2021 at 9 AM. The two-page application should provide all necessary study components (Aims, Significance, Research Plan, Expected or Actionable Outcomes; Arial 11 font, 0.5-inch margins) with a separate one-page for critical references. Preliminary data is not required. The application should also include the NIH Biosketch of the PI, and a one-page budget with justification ($50,000 for one year beginning Feb 15, 2021). See this site for more information about COVID-related research at Vanderbilt.


Questions and the grant application should be directed to Jessica Kimber (