VUMC/FGH participated in and presented at the Jornadas de Saúde da Região Centro (Central Region Health Conference) held October 27-29, 2022 in Tete City, Tete, Mozambique.
The conference’s Scientific Programme (in Portuguese) is available here.
The FGH team participated with five oral presentations and one poster presentation, led by FGH’s Caroline De Schacht (Evaluations Director), Celso Belo (Evaluations Manager), Carlota Fonseca (Senior Evaluations Officer), Paula Paulo (Provincial Evaluations Coordinator), and Ariano Matino (Data Monitoring and Analysis Officer), as listed below:
- Oral presentation by Celso Belo (#032, Page #15 in Programme):
- COVID-19 e a saúde mental dos trabalhadores de saúde nos serviços de HIV da Zambézia (Portuguese)
- COVID-19 and the mental health of health workers in Zambézia's HIV services (English)
- Oral presentation by Celso Belo, FGH Evaluations Manager (#070, Page #18 in Programme):
- Percepções sobre o impacto da COVID-19 no acesso aos serviços de saúde de HIV (Portuguese)
- Perceptions about the impact of COVID-19 on access to HIV health services (English)
- Oral presentation by Carlota Fonseca (#071, Page #18 in Programme):
- Barreiras e facilitadores para aceitação da vacinação contra a COVID-19 na população adulta e idosa, Zambézia (Portuguese)
- Barriers and facilitators for acceptance of vaccination against COVID-19 in the adult and elderly population, Zambézia (English)
- Oral presentation by Paula Paulo (#064, Page #17 in Programme):
- Desempenho do auto teste de HIV entre populações-alvo na zona rural de Moçambique (Portuguese)
- HIV self-test performance among target populations in rural Mozambique (English)
- Oral presentation by Ariano Matino (#033, Page #15 in Programme):
- Sintomas de depressão correlacionados em casais seroconcordantes vivendo com HIV na província da Zambézia, Moçambique (Portuguese)
- Correlated depression symptoms in seroconcordant couples living with HIV in Zambézia province, Mozambique (English)
- Poster presentation by Caroline De Schacht (#151, Page #26 in Programme):
- Vacinação contra a COVID-19 entre pessoas com HIV e activistas: inquérito de aceitabilidade, Zambézia Moçambique (Portuguese)
- Vaccination against COVID-19 among people with HIV and activists: acceptability survey, Zambézia Mozambique (English)
FGH team members also participated in the moderation of one round table and several parallel sessions, as listed below:
Round Table Session:
- “Desafios Alcance das Metas 95/95/95” (Portuguese)/ “Challenges Achieving 95/95/95 Goals” (English) -- Co-moderated by Caroline De Schacht
Parallel Sessions:
- “Serviços de saúde e Custos em Saúde” (Portuguese)/ “Health Services and Health Costs” (English) -- Co-moderated by Carlota Fonseca
- “Adesão e Retenção ao TARV” (Portuguese)/ “Adherence and Retention to ART” (English) -- Co-moderated by Caroline De Schacht
- “Vigilância e Observação de Saúde” (Portuguese)/ “Health Surveillance and Observation” (English) -- Co-moderated by Paula Paulo
- “Trauma e Violência, Populações Chaves” (Portuguese)/ “Trauma, Violence and Key Populations” (English) -- Co-moderated by Celso Belo