Mark Newton, M.D., FAAP, Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology, Director of Vanderbilt International Anesthesia, recently co-wrote an opinion piece for Devex, a media website for the global development community. The opinion piece focuses on the growing need of anesthesia providers across the world. In particular, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have the fewest number of anesthesia providers. Newton and his co-author suggest utilizing task sharing as one way to promote safe anesthesia care, a necessity for providing safe surgical care, and determining risks to reduce anesthesia-related complications in LMICs.
Read the full article on the world's need for more anesthesia providers.
Dr. Newton serves as Chief of Anesthesiology at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. He and his family have lived in Kenya since 1997. He is an affiliated VIGH faculty member.