Pediatric Residency

Global Health Academic Community



  • Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges and strategies for Global Health and Development.
  • Critically assess complexities of global health issues, particularly those most applicable in low-resource settings.
  • Develop the ability to practice patient-centered care by improving awareness and communication skills with culturally diverse patient populations and staff.
  • Demonstrate cultural competency and engage in appropriate discussions about different perspectives and approaches to patient management and medical system design.
  • Describe the role of a visiting health care professional in maintaining a sustainable, ethically-responsible, and mutually beneficial relationship with the host institutions.
  • Complete a global health academic project/scholarly activity
  • Demonstrate peer teaching of Global Health issues


  • Identify factors of global health and development from an interdisciplinary vantage point.
  • Identify interventions used to ameliorate health and developmental problems, particularly in low-resource settings.
  • Recognize the role of advocacy in global health
  • Communicate public health principles and concepts through written and verbal means.
  • Apply evidence-based knowledge of health considerations to public health issues.
  • Employ ethical principles and behaviors, and exhibit cultural competence.
  • Promote cultural and ethnic distinctness in public health research and practice.



  • Introduction to Global Health
  • Preparing for an International Elective
  • Cultural Issues in International Service
  • Ethical Considerations for short-term clinical experiences abroad
  • International strategies to improve maternal mortality
  • International strategies to reduce under 5 mortality
  • Nutrition
  • Trauma and Injury
  • Mental Health
  • Health Systems
  • Multidimensional Poverty and Development
  • Refugee and Immigrant Health
  • Emerging Infections
  • Non-Communicable Diseases

Contact Elizabeth Rose for more information.