Vanderbilt-Zambia Cancer Research Training Program (VZCARE)

In partnership with the University of Zambia (UNZA) and the Zambia Cancer Diseases Hospital (CDH), the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health, the Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center, and the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center received $1.3 million for a five-year training grant funded by the National Cancer Institute to support cancer epidemiology research in Zambia.

Vanderbilt and UNZA are joining forces to build the Vanderbilt-Zambia Cancer Research Training Program (VZCARE). The VZCARE team is led by Xiao-Ou Shu, MD, PhD, professor of Medicine and Douglas Heimburger, MD, professor of Medicine from Vanderbilt; and Wilbroad Mutale, PhD, MBChB, Assistant Dean for Research in the UNZA School of Public Health, lecturer in UNZA’s School of Public Health and Medicine and Violet Kayamba, PhD, MBChB, senior lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Zambia School of Medicine.

The overall goal of VZCARE is to develop a cadre of researchers and educators equipped with modern knowledge and expertise to lead cancer epidemiology research and training in Zambia and to encourage US-based researchers to engage in cancer research in low- and middle-income countries.

VZCARE builds on the successful 20+ year UNZA-Vanderbilt HIV Research Training Partnership and on the Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center’s global cancer epidemiology expertise, resources, and research training in LMICs.

Zambia’s National Cancer Control Strategic plan (2016-2021) lists cancer as one of the four major non-communicable diseases causing disability and premature deaths. By 2040, the burden of cancer in Zambia is expected to increase by 122%. Except for HIV-related malignancies – primarily cervical and Kaposi sarcoma – that have benefited from HIV/AIDS funding, there has been very little investment in Zambian cancer research in general and cancer epidemiology in particular.

To create effective prevention and treatment programs, well-designed studies are essential to identify risk and prognostic factors for cancers, especially those linked to westernization and for individuals living with HIV. However, such investigations in Zambia are challenging to implement at this time due to a lack of well-trained investigators experienced in conducting large-scale epidemiologic studies using state-of-the-art methodologies and analysis techniques.

Zambia has no cancer epidemiology-specific research training programs to address this workforce gap. There is a pressing need for infrastructure and resource building, leadership development, training of experienced investigators, and development of research methodologies and protocols appropriate to Zambia to fight the country’s growing cancer burden.

VZCARE is supported by the NIH-National Cancer Institute D43CA270474.