Kimberly R. Glenn, PhD, MPH

Director HIV/STD Epidemiology and Surveillance
HIV, STD, & Viral Hepatitis, TN Department of Health
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Health Policy
Office Address

Chronic disease epidemiology, methodology and physical activity

Dr. Kimberly Glenn, a Nashville transplant from Virginia Beach, Virginia, attended James Madison University where she earned a BS in Health Sciences in 2001. She went on to complete her Master of Public Health degree at Georgia State University and then came to the Tennessee Department of Health as a CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellow. Upon completion of her fellowship, Dr. Glenn was hired at VUMC Center for Human Genetic Research and worked with the Epidemiologic Architecture of Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) project before deciding to enroll in the Epidemiology doctoral program at Vanderbilt. She completed her PhD in 2014.

Dr. Glenn conducted research with the Southern Community Cohort Study (SCCS) focused on physical activity and mortality risk among those with diabetes. She was then hired at the Tennessee Department of Health within the Division of Policy, Planning and Assessment in 2014 as the Director of Healthcare Statistics. Dr. Glenn is responsible for overseeing the maintenance of several data systems, such as the Tennessee Hospital Discharge Dataset, Vital Statistics datasets and the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center dataset. She was led data dissemination and data policy construction for those data systems. Dr. Glenn has been involved in several special projects and collaborations at the department, including developing a physical activity toolkit for Tennessee schools.

Her research interests include chronic disease epidemiology, methodology and physical activity.