Jinyi Zhu, PhD, MPH
Cost-effectiveness analysis, disease simulation modeling methods, cardiovascular disease, TB/HIV
Jinyi Zhu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy. Her research focuses on applications and methods to inform decision-making for resource allocation in public health and health care. Specifically, her research falls into three main areas: 1) resource prioritization for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, 2) applied model-based cost-effectiveness analysis in other clinical areas including TB and HIV, and 3) methodological advances in disease simulation modeling (e.g., population-informative cost-effectiveness analysis, model efficiency, and model calibration and validation).
Dr. Zhu received a Ph.D. in Health Policy from Harvard University in 2022. She also holds an MPH from Yale University and a BS in Biology and BA in economics from Peking University.
A full CV is available upon request.
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Recent & Highlighted Research
Zhu J, Kim KWR, Yu H, Gupta A, Mushlin AI, Kamel H, et al. Acute Ischemic Stroke Care Quality Improvement. JAMA Neurol. 2025 Jan 13
Pandya A, Zhu J. Focusing on Decisions, Outcomes, and Value Judgments to Confront Algorithmic Bias. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jun 1;6(6):e2318501.
Zhu J, Kamel H, Gupta A, Mushlin AI, Menzies NA, Gaziano TA, Rosenthal MB, Pandya A. Prioritizing Quality Measures in Acute Stroke Care : A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2023 May 2.
Zhu J, Lyatuu G, Sudfeld CR, Kiravu A, Sando D, Machumi L, et al. Re-evaluating the health impact and cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis preventive treatment for modern HIV cohorts on antiretroviral therapy: a modelling analysis using data from Tanzania. Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Nov;10(11):e1646–54.