Faces of Public Health
Numerous careers can fall under the umbrella of Public Health. Come and listen to esteemed MPH alumni as they give advice on navigating the career landscape, discuss how their jobs fit into Public Health, and more! This panel discussion will dive deep into the many faces of Public Health!
Time: 12 – 1 p.m.
Location: MPH Classroom, Suite 1010, 2525 West End Avenue
Registration: https://redcap.link/NPHW2022
Public Health Practicum Colloquium
The colloquium provides MPH students an opportunity to present their practicum experiences in a conference-like setting. Students receive feedback from faculty and other graduate students and practice their presentation skills. All students will present posters, and three students will give oral presentations.
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Location: Light Hall North Lobby
Registration: https://redcap.link/MPH2022
Reflections from the Pandemic Response in Tennessee
Join with public health leaders from the State of Tennessee and Metro Nashville as they reflect on the governmental response during the past two years of COVID-19.
Time: 12 – 1 p.m.
Location: 202 Light Hall
Registration: https://redcap.link/NPHW2022
Service Activity: Second Harvest Food Bank
Join MPH students at Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee for our sponsored service activity. Second Harvest provides a central distribution center for companies, groups, and individuals who wished to help provide food for hungry people in Middle Tennessee.
Time: 1:30 – 4 p.m.
Location: 331 Great Circle Rd, Nashville, TN 37228
Registration: https://bit.ly/MPHserve22