News & Events

Department's Gilbert Gonzales honored with the inaugural Chancellor's Research Award in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Chancellor presents top prizes, including new award for excellence in equity, diversity and inclusion research, at fall assembly by Jan Read | Thursday, Aug. 25, 2016, 6:30 PM Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos presented seven faculty research awards, including two new awards for efforts that advance understanding of diversity, at the fall faculty assembly on Aug. 25.

Policy Prescriptions Melinda Buntin brings Washington expertise to Vanderbilt’s Department of Health Policy

by Ryan Underwood | Jun. 28, 2016, 3:47 PM Health care once seemed simple: You got sick, called a doctor, and paid the bill as best you could. Today health care accounts for nearly 20 percent of the total U.S. gross domestic product—about $3 trillion of economic activity annually. It’s also the largest item in the federal budget, making up 28 percent of all government spending.

New center to study genomic privacy concerns

by Bill Snyder | Thursday, May. 19, 2016, 10:13 AM Researchers at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine have received a four-year, $4-million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a new center for the study of privacy concerns associated with the use of genomic information, the NIH announced this week.

Envisioning the Future of Value Based Payment: A Health Affairs Forum featuring Melinda Buntin

On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Health Affairs hosted a half-day forum for policy makers on the topic of, "Envisioning The Future Of Value Based Payment" in Washington, DC. Featuring keynote remarks by David Blumenthal, President of the Commonwealth Fund, the program included panels on existing and developing value based payment programs for hospitals and physicians, as well as how paying for value will evolve in a future with electronic health records, big data analytics, and personalized medicine.

It's Vanderbilt Giving Day! Support MPH Endowed Scholarship Fund and Donate Today!

In celebration of 20 years of public health education at Vanderbilt, the Vanderbilt MPH Program announces its first endowed scholarship. The scholarship will directly benefit Master of Public Health students through support for tuition, practicum, and thesis expenses. It will allow the most talented graduate students to choose Vanderbilt for their public health training, and it will give them the necessary resources to do their best work. When you Give for the Gold this year, support the Vanderbilt MPH Program and the next generation of public health leaders.