Secondary Faculty
Jessica S Ancker, PhD, MPH, FACMI
Professor (secondary appointment)Department of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University Medical CenterProfessorDepartments of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical CenterProfessorDepartment of Health PolicyVice Chair for Educational AffairsDepartment of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical CenterPhone(646) 248 92812525 West End Ave., Rm 14122Room / Suite14122NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Justin Bachmann, MD, MPH, FAAC
Assistant ProfessorDivision of Cardiovascular Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical CenterAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Health PolicyPhone(615) 875-9728Office Address2525 West End AvenueRoom / SuiteSuite 300ANashvilleTennessee37203 -
Jessica Castilho, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of MedicineDivision of Infectious DiseasesAssociate ProfessorDept. of Health PolicyPhone615-322-2035Medical Center North1161 21st Avenue SouthRoom / SuiteA2200NashvilleTennessee37232 -
Ellen Wright Clayton, JD, MD
Craig-Weaver ProfessorPediatricsProfessorVanderbilt University School of LawProfessorHealth PolicyCo-FounderCenter for Biomedical Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University School of MedicineFacultyVanderbilt Program in Human GeneticsSenior FellowVanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies, Center for Health PolicySenior FellowJohn F. Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development, Vanderbilt UniversityVisiting ProfessorTokai University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanOffice Address -
William Cooper, M.D., M.P.H.
Cornelius Vanderbilt ProfessorPediatrics and Health PolicyAssociate Dean for Faculty AffairsDirectorCenter for Patient and Professional AdvocacyPhone(615) 343-4500Office AddressDepartment of Pediatrics -
William Dupont, Ph.D.
ProfessorBiostatistics and Preventive MedicineProfessorHealth PolicyPhone(615) 343-4100Fax(615) 343-4924Office Address2525 West End AveNashvilleTennessee37203 -
Edward "Ted" F. Fischer, Ph.D.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Anthropology, Professor of Health PolicyAnthropologyPhone(615) 343-2519Garland HallRoom / Suite208NashvilleTennessee37235 -
Gilbert Gonzales, PhD, MHA
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Medicine, Health and Society, Vanderbilt UniversityAssociate DirectorVanderbilt LGBTQ+ Policy LabPhoneOffice AddressVanderbilt UniversityNashvilleTennessee37203LGBT health, differences in health care and health outcomes, population health, health care reform
Carolyn Heinrich, PhD
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Public Policy, Education and EconomicsPeabody College, Vanderbilt UniversityChairLeadership, Policy and Organizations DepartmentPhone(615) 322-1169Office AddressPeabody College, VanderbiltNashvilleTennessee37212 -
Sunil Kripalani, MD, MSc, SFHM, FACP
Professor, MedicineDirectorCenter for Clinical Quality and Implementation ResearchDirectorCenter for Health Services Research2525 West End Ave.2525 West End Ave.NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Keith Meador, M.D., Th.M., M.P.H.
ProfessorDepartments of Psychiatry, Religion and Health PolicyDirectorCenter for Biomedical Ethics and Society at VanderbiltPhone(615) 936-2686Office Address2525 West End AveRoom / Suite400NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Jonathan Metzl, MD, PhD
Frederick B. Rentschler II ProfessorSociology and Medicine, Health, and SocietyProfessorPsychiatryProfessorHealth PolicyDirectorCenter for Medicine, Health, and SocietyCenter for Medicine, Health and SocietyVanderbilt UniversityNashvilleTennessee37235 -
David Penson, M.D., M.P.H., M.M.H.C
Hamilton and Howd ChairUrologic OncologyChairDepartment of Urologic SurgeryProfessorUrologic SurgeryProfessorMedicine and Health PolicyDirectorCenter for Surgical Quality and Outcomes ResearchOffice AddressVanderbilt University Medical CenterNashvilleTennessee37232 -
Rameela Raman, M.A., Ph.D.
Associate ProfessorDepartment of BiostatisticsAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Health PolicyPhone(615) 322-73652525 West End Ave.Room / Suite1100NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Ranga Ramanujam
Richard M. and Betty Ruth Miller Chair in Healthcare ManagementOwen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt UniversityProfessorOwen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt UniversityProfessorHealth PolicyOffice AddressOwen Graduate School of Management401 21st Avenue SouthSuite 1275NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Office Address2525 West End Ave.NashvilleTennessee37203
Russell L. Rothman, M.D., M.P.P.
DirectorInstitute for Medicine and Public HealthSenior Vice President, Population and Public HealthIngram Chair in Integrative and Population HealthProfessorInternal Medicine, Pediatrics, & Health PolicyPhone(615) 936-2149Office Address2525 West End AveRoom / Suite1200NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Christianne Roumie, MD, MPH
Professor, Internal Medicine and PediatricsInstitute for Medicine and Public HealthDirector, Masters of Public Health ProgramDept. of Health Policy(615) 873-8013Office AddressGRECC1310 24th Ave SouthNashvilleTennessee37212 -
Yu Shyr, Ph.D.
Harold L. Moses Chair in Cancer ResearchSchool of MedicineDirectorCenter for Quantitative SciencesDirectorVanderbilt Technologies for Advanced Genomics Analysis and Research Design (VANGARD)ProfessorDepartment of Biostatistics, Department of Cancer Biology, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Department of Health PolicyPhone(615) 936-6760Office AddressDepartment of Biostatistics2525 West End Ave.NashvilleTennessee37203 -
Walter Smalley, M.D., MPH
ProfessorMedicine and SurgeryAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Health PolicyOffice AddressNashvilleTennessee -
Mary Yarbrough, M.D., MPH, FACOEM
Associate ProfessorInternal MedicineAssistant ProfessorPreventive Medicine in the Department of Health PolicyExecutive DirectorVanderbilt’s Faculty/Staff Health and Wellness ProgramsDirectorVanderbilt Center of Occupational and Environmental MedicineOffice AddressNashvilleTennessee