Complete your Depression Check-Up

October is Depression Awareness Month. Now more than ever, it is important to take stock of your mood and mental health. Singles are more likely to experience depression than those in a coupled relationship; women more than men; and those who experienced traumatic events during this time such as economic impacts, job losses, illness, or death of loved ones.

For several years, there have been so many environmental factors that have exacerbated anxiety and uncertainty but have also altered our lives.

”It is good to do a regular self-assessment of your mental health,” suggests Julie Burton, LCSW, MMHC, Clinical Counselor, Work/Life Connections-EAP, “Our anonymous online screenings on depression, anxiety, stress, post-traumatic stress, disordered eating and negative body image, Attention Deficit Disorder (i.e., ADD or AD/HD), and alcohol abuse can let you know if  you might benefit from a professional assistance.”

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may wish to seek professional assistance.

  • Mood or feelings of prolonged sadness
  • Sleep or appetite problems; fatigue / loss of energy
  • Loss of interest in formerly pleasurable activities
  • Irritability or increased anger
  • Cognitive changes (decreased concentration or memory)
  • Increased anxiety that influences your ability to function
  • Generally feeling poorly/ somatic problems

Depression is a treatable illness that can be brought on by different factors. Evidence-based treatments are available, especially with the recent access through telemedicine. Your physician or a therapist can assess your needs and suggest a course of treatment. If you start to think about suicide, that's a sign to seek help immediately.

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