Resource Articles

Alcohol Use Self-Assessment

According to the World Health Organization's moderate drinking guidelines, women should consume no more than one 5 ounce serving of alcohol per day, and men are to consume no more than two 5 ounce serving of alcohol per day.  A 5 ounce serving of alcohol is equal to one shot of 100 proof liquor or a 12 ounce mug of beer.  In addition, women should not consume more than 4 alcoholic beverages on any occasion, and men should not consume more than 5.  The more a person goes over these recommended amounts of alcohol consumption, the higher his or her risk for alcohol dependence.

Email Stress Can Create A Mess

E-mail is a convenient form of communication, but it has its limitations and associated problems.  For example, it can be stressful to receive an e-mail from someone that has a “tone” that feels harsh or attacking.  The sender may not have intended to convey his or her message in that way, but the receiver may misinterpret or puzzle over the actual intent of the message. Here are 12 easy to follow tips for sending professional e-mails and reducing the potential for miscommunication:

Vanderbilt Home Care Services

Vanderbilt Home Care Services offers a variety of skilled and non-skilled services to meet the needs of the clients and their families at home or in the hospital. We provide private duty services that include nursing, home health aides, companion care and inpatient sitter services 24 hours a day. For more information visit the Vanderbilt Home Health Care Services website or call 615-936-0336.

Staying Ahead of Your Creditors

Few stressors in life are more distressing than having creditors calling and then feeling out of control because your spending has exceeded your income. It is overwhelming! Trouble with debt cuts across all social strata from doctors, professors, lawyers to clerks and food service employees. Those who make over $100,000 annually and those who live below the poverty level may owe beyond their ability to pay their bills. Debt is debt.

Stress Busting The Holidays

The winter holiday season is a time of stress; both good and bad. The anticipatory activity before the events can be followed by a whiplash of emotional post-holiday letdown when it is all over. The result may be feeling frazzled. Sometimes the simplest of things becomes the most precious. It is a time that we often postpone our regular self-care efforts and may over do it. Here are some Seasonal "Stressages" (stress-busting messages) to help us cope with the festivities.