Health Plus Wellness League

Join Health Plus Wellness Champions in this inaugural Team Challenge. Over an 8-month season (March-October) teams will compete in a physical activity tracking competition. The team with the most steps at the end of the season will win a Grand Prize package for the team to enjoy! Individual prize winners will be drawn monthly during the season for meeting activity goals.

2024 Wellness League Standings:

  1. Pharmacy Means Business - 28,088,039
  2. Tenacious Tullahoma Tenty - 24,937,066
  3. Snack Overflow - 23,889713
  4. VICTR Stride Squad - 20,956,429
  5. The HotSteppers - 20,800,715
  6. Surgery Striders - 19,428,107
  7. Joint Forces - 18,364,869
  8. Surgical Step Squad - 17,869,930
  9. The Village People - 17,672,656
  10. Vanderbilt Birth Center - 17,484,458

See full standings here.

Here's how it works:

Each team will need a Health Plus Wellness Champion (formerly Wellness Commodores), who will serve as the Team Captain. The Team Captain must register the team for the Wellness League. Team members will sign up through a Wellness Champion to participate in the challenge. Don't know a Wellness Champion? We can help you find one or help you to become one. Contact us here.

How to join the Wellness League:

Health Plus Wellness Champions can register to be a Team Captain here. (Team registration has closed upon the start of the Wellness League season)

  1. Select your Team Name.
  2. Recruit up to 20 VUMC colleagues to join your team.
  3. Health Plus will provide a link for you to send your recruits to join your team.

Wellness League Rules:

Record daily steps over the Wellness League Season (March 1 – October 31).

  1. A pre-season will be available February 1-29 for teams to build a habit of tracking steps daily.
  2. Steps can be tracked digitally one of two ways:
    • Digitally with the MyCap Classic app or
    • Connect with Fitbit to sync your steps.
    • If you do not have a step tracker, convert your physical activity with our Step Conversion Chart to add via the MyCap Classic app.
  3. Track your Team's progress on the Wellness League Leader Board.
  4. The Leader Board will be updated the first Wednesday of each month.
  5. Monthly steps must be recorded by the first Sunday of the following month (i.e., March steps must be recorded by April 7). Unreported steps cannot rollover to the next month. If you forget to enter your steps, they cannot be counted.

Win Prizes!

  • The Team with the most steps at the end of the Wellness League season will win a Grand Prize package to be announced, as well as Wellness League Champion T-shirts.
  • The Wellness Champion Captain will earn 2 Club Level tickets to a Nashville SC game.
  • League Participants are eligible to win $20 eGift cards monthly.
  • A random prize drawing raffle will take place each month.
  • Participants must log at least 200,000 steps per month to qualify for the gift card raffle.

Earn Bonus Steps to add to your Season Totals:

  • Register your team before January 31, 2024, to earn 10 million bonus steps towards your season total. Missed the January 31 deadline? No problem, you can still register and compete in this competition. Your team is not eligible for the early sign-up bonus if registered after January 31, 2024.
  • Encourage your team members to complete their annual Health Risk Assessment (HRA) before October 31, 2024, to earn 1 million bonus steps per person (maximum one HRA per person).
  • Beat the Health Plus team step total to earn 5 million bonus steps!
  • Bonus steps earned will be added to your team's cumulative total following the conclusion of the season.