Predictive modeling in older non-dialysis dependent CKD
While the Renal Physician’s Association and the American Society of Nephrology recommend practitioners share prognostic information with their advanced CKD patients, uncertainty is a critical barrier. A clinically useful tool to estimate prognosis in older, non-dialysis dependent (NDD) CKD patients does not exist. The development of a validated prognostic model of mortality in older, NDD-CKD would facilitate prognostic discussions and identify high-risk patients for timely advanced care planning. This would be an important advance towards ensuring that CKD patients’ end-of-life care preferences are elicited and honored. This study will develop and validate a 1-year predictive model of mortality in older adults with advanced NDD-CKD. In addition, it will explore whether renal specific care and end-of-life care vary by mortality risk.