Scientific Activities


  • Research and Study Design – the IEFS team is experienced in the development of sound scientific approaches to investigate biomedical problems, including geographical, cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort studies as well as randomized clinical and intervention trials
  • Conduct and Manage Epidemiologic Studies – IEFS staff are skilled in the use of state-of-the-science standardized techniques and quality control procedures to ensure the collection of valid study information and manage study data
  • Data Analysis, Evaluation, and Interpretation – The IEFS team is experienced in performing statistical analyses of study data and evaluating and interpreting biomedical research findings to assess and resolve health issues and identify determinants of disease

Current Projects

Southern Community Cohort Study

The Southern Community Cohort Study (SCCS) was established in 2001 to address many unresolved questions about the root causes of cancer, with its findings expected to help prevent and reduce the burden of cancer among all populations.  This prospective cohort study of approximately 85,000 adults in the southeastern United States has among the highest representation of African Americans (two-thirds) among existing U.S. cohorts and a large biorepository poised to address scientific questions about the causes of both common and rare cancers (as well as of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease). The SCCS is funded by the National Institutes of Health.