Nancy Brown, MD

After completing medical training and a fellowship in clinical pharmacology at Vanderbilt, Dr. Brown joined the faculty of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 1992. In 2010, she was appointed the Hugh Jackson Morgan Professor and first female chair of the Department of Medicine, which is Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s largest clinical department, as well as the School of Medicine’s largest academic department.

The consummate physician-scientist, in addition to her clinical and administrative duties, Dr. Brown developed a research program studying vascular biology and how hormone cascades are involved in blood pressure regulation and affect clotting and inflammation.

In 2000, with colleague Dr. Thomas Hazinski, Dr. Brown co-founded Vanderbilt’s Master of Science in Clinical Investigation program. Among the leadership appointments she held, in 2009 she was named chief of Clinical Pharmacology.

Dr. Brown is recognized by numerous medical organizations for her work in internal medicine.

In 2020, Dr. Brown left Vanderbilt to become the 17th dean of the Yale University School of Medicine where she is the first woman to serve in this role.