Vanderbilt Autism Trials
Vanderbilt Fragile X Trials
Helpful Handouts
Toolkit for having your child's blood drawn: bloodworkparent.pdf
Puberty and ASD for Boys: HealthyBodies-Boys-web.pdf
Puberty and ASD for Girls: HealthyBodies-Girls-web.pdf
Most of our research appointments take place at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital (2200 Children's Way Nashville, TN 37232) in the Pediatric Clinical Research Center (Suite 9101-B) on the 9th floor of the Doctors' Office Tower.
You will be going to the Doctors' Office Tower, 9th floor. (Elevators are available on the second floor beside the Family Resource Center, if you park in the South garage. If you enter through the main doors on the first floor, use the elevators beside the trains to go to the clinic floors. Complimentary valet parking is available for patients at the front entrance on the first floor.)
Your ultimate destination is the Clinical Research Center. (After exiting the elevator, take a right at the front desk and enter through the glass door for the Clinical Research Center at the far end of the waiting room. Please check-in at the desk.)