

The Minority Housestaff for Academic and Medical Advancement (MHAMA) is an organization dedicated to creating opportunities for the empowerment and advancement of underrepresented housestaff through mentorship, networking, and professional development. MHAMA provides a community for fellowship between underrepresented housestaff and allies. We are committed to increasing the presence of underrepresented housestaff by actively participating in the recruitment process and by helping to create an environment that promotes retention and satisfaction of minority housestaff. In this vein, the Office for Diversity Affairs provides sponsorship for MHAMA members to attend the Student National Medical Association Annual Medical Education Conference (SNMA) to aid in the recruitment of underrepresented minorities to Vanderbilt. As we work to increase minority representation, we are resolute in our support of the surrounding community through service events and sponsorship of lectures which promote health equity.