Zeydi Z., BSN, RN - PCICU

NRMy career path as a new nurse has grown exponentially since I first started at Vanderbilt’s Children’s hospital. As a Pediatric Cardiac ICU nurse, I am on the path that I chose to be and could not imagine it any other way.  I considered many other nurse residency programs, but Vanderbilt offered so much I could not pass up the opportunity. Working in the pediatric cardiac ICU has been very challenging but at the same time very rewarding. Vanderbilt has constantly amazed me with the people who are willing to help me grow, the strong team effort that it provides, and the unconditional support from the nurse residency program. They have provided many resources to help me transition into the role of a new nurse.  I am proud of what Vanderbilt stands for as an educational institution and I am even more proud to be part of this big family.


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