Emotional Well-Being Role Models


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Emotional Well-Being Role Models

(click on Role Model for personal story)

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acts of kindness
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overcame stigma
of mental care






Emotional Well-Being Role Model: Jade

  Jade's Focus: Managing work stress and anxiety
  Helpful Resources: •  VUMC's Employee Assistance
   Program (EAP)
•  Keener Journaling App

Joy provided by Jade for her colleagues!



My name is Jade M., BSN, RN. I have been at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since 2020.

I currently work as a Clinical Staff Leader on the Vanderbilt Interdisciplinary Care Program (VICP) unit. I chose to focus on emotional wellness because bedside nursing can be incredibly taxing, both physically and emotionally. VUMC has the tools to help me achieve my goal including the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). I began with small steps such as utilizing the EAP services, journaling post-shift, and sharing the EAP resource to my nurse colleagues. I previously struggled with pre-shift anxiety. By implementing the tools provided by EAP, I now utilize talk therapy and post-shift journaling to analyze those challenging emotions felt during my shift. Another valuable resource I find helpful has been the Keener journaling app.  

Because of my journey to emotional wellness, I have encouraged my nursing team to participate as well. We now work on emotional wellness together through morale events like hot chocolate/coffee bars and birthday celebrations to bring a little joy to our work shifts. I also encourage my direct reports to take short breaks to grab coffee when needing a mental wellness break during a hard shift. I have referred several staff, both nursing and non-nursing, to take advantage of the EAP services. The EAP team is easily accessible, and they make me feel safe and validated with each interaction. In addition, they were able to provide references to outside therapy options that aligned with our insurance. Whether needing it short or long-term, EAP is a wonderful place to start and can help with coping when this job takes its toll.  

It's never too late to take care of your emotional wellness!  

Well-Being Toolbox

For quick access to frequently used tools, click category to open; click again to close.

For additional tools, see the Well-Being Resources list.

* Trouble viewing?  Click for larger display Well-Being Toolbox





A Shared Governance Committee

  The Nurse Wellness Committee is a Vanderbilt Shared Governance Committee focusing on Nursing Excellence.

Visit Shared Governance Committees for opportunities to get involved.


  Join the Nurse Wellness Committee!

 pic Vanderbilt Staff who are nurses or
who support nursing are welcome!

Second Thursday of the month
11 a.m.–12 p.m. via Teams

Click to get involved



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