Financial Well-Being Hadassah


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Financial Well-Being Role Models

(click on Role Model for personal story)

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with us!
achieving dreams







  Haddassah's Focus: Community and work involvement
  Helpful Resources: •  Fidelity Investments
•  VUMC Professional Development

pic   My name is Hadassah W., BSN, RN, PMH-BC. I've been at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since 2019.

I work as a registered nurse (RN) in the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital (VPH) Float Pool. I chose to focus on financial wellness because I wanted to minimize and alleviate financial stress going into graduate school. I started with small steps like making extra payments on my undergraduate student loans and using the Nursing Loan Reimbursement program. Upon beginning my graduate program, I put my undergraduate loans back into forbearance and started using the VUMC Human Resources tuition benefit and Nursing Tuition Assistance Benefit through the Vanderbilt School of Nursing. Aligned with my financial goals, I needed to focus on not overspending and refocus on budgeting with my husband. We sit down monthly to review our receipts, pay our bills, and adjust our budget as needed. Focusing on overall wellness, we make sure our budget includes room for fun activities like coffee runs and date nights.

VUMC has the tools to help me achieve my goal including loan reimbursement and tuition benefit programs. Other good resources I find helpful are utilizing the financial advisor through Fidelity, talking to colleagues who have advanced their degrees, and leaning on my husband who is much more financially savvy than me.

Because of my journey to financial wellness, I have encouraged my nurse colleagues looking to return to school to join. We now work on financial wellness together by encouraging them to take advantage of the VUMC tuition benefits available to us. 

Don't let money stop you from pursuing your dreams!  😊 

Well-Being Toolbox

For quick access to frequently used tools, click category to open; click again to close.

For additional tools, see the Well-Being Resources list.

* Trouble viewing?  Click for larger display Well-Being Toolbox





A Shared Governance Committee

  The Nurse Wellness Committee is a Vanderbilt Shared Governance Committee focusing on Nursing Excellence.

Visit Shared Governance Committees for opportunities to get involved.


  Join the Nurse Wellness Committee!

 pic Vanderbilt Staff who are nurses or
who support nursing are welcome!

Second Thursday of the month
11 a.m.–12 p.m. via Teams

Click to get involved



Nursing Across
Vanderbilt University 
Medical Center

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