Well-Being Role Models

Well-Being Role Models

Well-being Role Models are individuals within the Vanderbilt Health community who are working to improve their wellness—and all of ours—by leading by example and working to make cultural change that promotes a healthy balance in all areas of life.

A well-being role model can either self-nominate or be nominated by a peer to help share the importance of their well-being journey within the physical, mental or other realm of wellness. If you or someone you know would like to share a well-being story, please submit via RedCap.

By sharing your story, we hope to empower nurses and health care professionals to lead the way in creating a systemic culture of wellness.


Well-Being Toolbox

For quick access to frequently used tools, click category to open; click again to close.

For additional tools, see the Well-Being Resources list.

* Trouble viewing?  Click for larger display.





Nursing Across
Vanderbilt University 
Medical Center

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