Emotional Well-Being Role Models: Sarrah


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Emotional Well-Being Role Models

(click on Role Model for personal story)

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with us!

acts of kindness
for colleagues
overcame stigma
of mental care






  Sarrah's Focus: Benefits of seeking mental health self-care, especially as a nurse
  Helpful Resources: •  VUMC's Employee Assistance
   Program (EAP)
•  EAP's Critical Incident Stress
   Management Debrief tool
•  Mindfulness Practices
•  Caring Greatly Podcasts

Views from Sarrah's Walks



My name is Sarrah S., MSN, RN. I've been at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since 2020.

My current role is the Director of Nurse Safety and Well-being in Nursing Strategy and System Integration. I chose to focus on emotional wellness because of the impact caring for patients can have on our emotional well-being as nurses. Before my current role, I faced a mass casualty situation as an Emergency Room nurse that greatly affected our Nashville community. Preparing to accommodate the injured, our team rallied together to triage and transition the current patients in the emergency department to prepare for the influx of patients coming our way. Patients and family members arrived with different levels of need, some of which caused secondary trauma to us as caregivers. As a team, we were hurting because of the immense pain these people had experienced. Once it was determined no other patients would be coming through those doors, we were able to reach out to Vanderbilt's Work Life Connections which provided a Critical Incident Debrief for our team. They guided us in reflection to help us comprehend and process the tragedy that had just unfolded. As an individual tasked with coordinating efforts, I felt a sense of responsibility to the team and appreciated Work Life Connections’ support in leading the debrief as it allowed me the opportunity to process my emotions alongside my team and peers. Following the event, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) coordinated a peer support group for our unit that met weekly initially and transitioned to a monthly cadence allowing for adequate recovery of all those impacted by the incident. In addition, I began with small steps including encouraging other nurses to contact our EAP as it provides professional counseling for all our staff at no cost.  

I have had to overcome barriers and continue to address the fear or shame of seeking professional help to address my mental health. I possess strong, healthy coping skills as I exercise and regularly spend quality time with friends. I believe seeking professional guidance supporting our mental health especially as healthcare workers is invaluable in processing those difficult situations we face professionally and personally. Additionally, I am working on appreciating the small moments of joy throughout my day and being mindful during my activities such as going on regular walks in the arboretum within the Vanderbilt campus and courtyard. Currently, I am working on continuous gratitude for my life and loved ones. VUMC provides many tools to help me achieve my goals. These tools include Work-life Connections which offers Critical Incident Stress Management Debriefs in person or virtually for individuals and teams and EAP Peer Support Groups. Additionally, a peer shared the Caring Greatly podcast which provides resources and stories to help us grow, lead, and innovate in healthcare while still improving the lives of nurses and healthcare workers. 

Well-Being Toolbox

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For additional tools, see the Well-Being Resources list.

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A Shared Governance Committee

  The Nurse Wellness Committee is a Vanderbilt Shared Governance Committee focusing on Nursing Excellence.

Visit Shared Governance Committees for opportunities to get involved.


  Join the Nurse Wellness Committee!

 pic Vanderbilt Staff who are nurses or
who support nursing are welcome!

Second Thursday of the month
11 a.m.–12 p.m. via Teams

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