Environmental Well-Being Role Model: Ryan H.



(click on Role Model for personal story)

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Environmental Well-Being Role Model: Ryan H. MBA, BSN, RN, NE-BC

  Ryan's Focus:Physical improvement based on environmental influences.
  Helpful Resources:•  Go for the Gold
•  Well-Being Tool Box
•  Global Blue Zone Behaviors

 Ryan's Vegetable Garden
 My name is Ryan H. MBA, BSN, RN, NE-BC. I've been at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since 2022. I work at Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt as a Patient Care Services Manager for the Float Pool.
I chose to focus on environmental wellness because I wanted to challenge myself to a new hobby that would impact my wellness in many areas including environmental, financial, and physical/nutritional. 

I started a few years ago looking at my eating habits; trying to increase my fruits and vegetable intake. This year my husband and I decided that we wanted to grow our own produce for the environmental and nutritional benefits. In addition, it helps save money at the grocery store. We purchased a raised garden bed where we have planted a multitude of peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Being able to grow our own produce used for our meals has given me a sense of accomplishment. 

I have never had a green thumb, and have struggled to maintain even the easiest of plants. To be successful, I did my research before starting the garden. I have held myself accountable to setting time aside each day to water and harvest the produce from the garden. 

VUMC has the tools to help me achieve my goal. Some resources supporting my overall well-being are found in the wellness toolbox on the VUMC nurse wellness page. I participate in the Go for the Gold to help drive my wellness journey. Another good resource I have found helpful in making the healthy option the easy option is following behaviors found in Blue Zone areas throughout the world. 

By sharing my journey to environmental wellness, our close friends have also started growing their own produce and using it in their meals. We now work on environmental wellness together by sharing the produce grown with each other.  

It is never too early or too late to start your wellness journey to be the best you!

Well-Being Toolbox

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For additional tools, see the Well-Being Resources list.

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