Intellectual Well-Being Role Model: Kaitlin B., MSN, RN



Intellectual Well-Being Role Models

(click on Role Model picture for personal story)

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Intellectual Well-Being Role Model: Kaitlin B., MSN, RN

  Kaitlin's Focus:Physical improvement based on environmental influences.
  Helpful Resources:•  VPARE
•  Nursing Professional
•  Nursing Professional
   Development Assistance
•  Nursing Educational & 
   Contact Hour Opportunities
•  Nursing Certification



















 My name is Kaitlin B., MSN, RN. I've been at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since 2021. I work at the Regional Hospitals as a Clinical Education Facilitator in Clinical Education & Professional Development. I also work as a charge nurse at Vanderbilt Bedford Hospital.

I chose to focus on intellectual wellness because I thrive to be a life-long learner and serve as a resource for other nurses and clinical professionals.

I became aware of professional development and educational opportunities by inquiring about the clinical advancement program (VPNPP at the time, currently VPARE). I had meetings with my manager and educator to discuss educational and advancement opportunities and intertwined my interests to educate myself and others. As one of the first Vanderbilt Bedford Hospital nurses to obtain my RN 3 for professional advancement, I found multiple opportunities to expand my intellectual wellness. These included serving as co-chair of our recently started unit board and obtaining my MSN in Nursing Education by utilizing the VUMC's HR tuition assistance and nursing tuition benefits. These small steps have been pivotal in my journey and have enabled me to contribute directly to professional development and education for clinical staff. As I evolve in this role, I am recognizing the different areas of intellectual wellness such as education, role development, and collaborative relationships. In addition, being a change agent, mentor, and leader helps me to better serve our staff and patients. Development within these roles encourages expression of my creativity in a way that is well aligned with our mission and CREDO.

I had to overcome my fear of failure and learn to put myself out there and be more involved. Learning to recognize and adapt my strengths and weaknesses has allowed me to grow my confidence.

VUMC has many resources available on the Nursing Professional Development site such as clinical advancement (VPARE), clinical skills, contact hours and education opportunities, professional development assistance, and so many more.

From these efforts, I have been able to share the benefits of ongoing professional development and influence others to explore growth opportunities in their career. I encourage engagement by sharing interesting webinars or articles I have found and am always willing to spend time with others to help find answers to their questions.

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Make attainable goals and reach them!

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A Shared Governance Committee

  The Nurse Wellness Committee is a Vanderbilt Shared Governance Committee focusing on Nursing Excellence.

Visit Shared Governance Committees for opportunities to get involved.


  Join the Nurse Wellness Committee!

 pic Vanderbilt Staff who are nurses or
who support nursing are welcome!

Second Thursday of the month
11 a.m.–12 p.m. via Teams

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