Well-Being Toolbox
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For additional tools, see the Well-Being Resources list.
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Well-Being Resources
- Pursuing Precepting: Reality Shock
- LMS Module - Caring for the Caregiver: Burnout and Resiliency
- Upholds a Resilient Environment
- Safe Patient Handling
- Pursuing Precepting: Reality Shock
- Are you looking for what health and wellness resources VUMC has to offer? Visit Staff Health and Wellness page or quick access to Occupational Health, lifestyle resources, career support, family assistance, and more!
- Well-Being Navigator Access your well-being navigator to information and resources for healthy habits, mental health, medical care, family and home, social and occupational services/programs.
- HealthPlus provides health promotion and prevention services for VUMC faculty and staff that promote healthy lifestyles at home and at work. Visit one of their offices or look into their programs for insurance savings, healthy eating, fitness, weight management, and lifestyle-oriented health promotion.
- Find multiple resources for places to exercise, nutritional information, stress, and more.
- When on web page, choose "Other Resources" for Exercise Options
CDC Physical Activity Basics: Benefits of Physical Activity
- Physical activity is crucial for a healthy body and mind. It can help prevent disease and bring joy and community to your life. Use these CDC and NIH resources for tips on how to better incorporate physical wellness in your life.
Coming soon information:
- VUMC partnered gyms
- discounts for health
- Nashville resources
- Access Rooted Community Health where Vanderbilt partners with the Middle TN committee to promote health and ecological sustainability. You can sign up for Community Service Agriculture where VUMC employees receive discounted vegetable shares at local farmer's markets.
- Enjoy healthy samples, practical recipes, and reliable nutrition information in a fun, come-and-go atmosphere.
- Nutrition Corner access
- Eat Well, Live Well access
- Healthy eating, cost savings, and minimizing your time in the kitchen with regular challenges and education.
- Annually June through October
Smart Solutions to Workplace Eating Dilemmas
Food Trucks and Farmers Market
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program
- VUMC has partnered with three farms to offer all VUMC employees a chance to enroll in a CSA program at a discounted rate. CSA works like a subscription program for vegetables and fruits. Enrollment in a CSA allows employees to get local, seasonal produce directly from a farm. All VUMC employees receive a 15% discount to one of the above CSA programs and employees earning $40,000 or less per year are eligible to receive a fully subsidized CSA share. That means weekly free fruits and vegetables!
- Provide meal prep advice, taking your breaks, healthy snacking, and proper nutrition to fuel your work day and home life.
- Contact resources for national crisis resources, work-life connection crisis resources, financial crisis, domestic violence, emergency food/housing, and other local and national resources for crisis management.
Vanderbilt Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Vanderbilt EAP provides professional counseling for VUMC employees free of charge. Appointments are offered virtually or in person. Services include mental health support, professional coaching, post-traumatic stress assessment, and more. If EAP is unable to provide support for your mental health needs EAP is able to help make referrals and find community networks to best support your mental health needs and reliable nutrition information in a fun, come-and-go atmosphere.
Click to schedule an appointment.
- Aetna has developed a mental health service for families where virtual behavioral and mental health are provided for families. If you are looking for mental health services for your children and family, Brightline is a virtual service that offers behavioral and mental health support with licensed therapists, psychiatrists, and other clinicians.
Finding a Mental Health Provider
EAP offers an instructional article on how to access mental health providers via phone, Aetna’s provider finder, or through HR. - Aetna
Login to your Aetna account to find local providers within your network
for physical and mental health needs.
Burnout Prevention Toolkit for Leaders and More
- This toolkit for leaders is designed to provide biopsychosocial-environmental resources to help equip you and those you lead with tools to empower and help extinguish the impact of burnout.
Critical Incident Stress Management
- In the moment or event follow-up for stress management, psychological intervention, and debriefing post a critical incident such as an accident, injury, violent event or serious death of patient or colleague, or other serious events.
CDC Resources for Emotional Wellness
- Experiencing stress, isolation, loss, or systemic social inequities is harmful to the health of Americans. Improving emotional well-being, social connectedness, and resiliency through research-based health promotion and prevention programs is critical to population health. Access CDC resources to learn more about how to improve your emotional wellness.
CDC Emotional Wellness Toolkit
Surgeon General Framework on Workplace Well-Being
- Learn about different frameworks for improving workplace wellbeing through safety and mental health.
ANA Mental Health and Wellness Survey
- Take the ANA mental health and wellness survey to help aid in research to improve workplace wellness for nursing nationwide.
- Access a multitude if resources through the AACN for well-being initiatives to improve nurse’s well-being.
- Access World Health Organization information on health and well-being
across the world.
American Psychological Association
- Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.
Access education here to learn more.
National Academy of Medicine Resources
- Learn about the action collaborative on clinician well-being and resilience. Clinician well-being is essential for safe, high-quality patient care. Read the national plan to improve clinician well-being.
- NAACP is committed to ending racial health disparities. Their aim is not simply disease prevention, but to create an inclusive culture of healthy people and communities. Access their page here to learn more.
Vanderbilt Faculty & Staff Health and Wellness
Resources for Well-Being
- Access outside resources to learn more about your well-being.
- Mayo Clinic
- Harvard University
- Text 741741 for in-the-moment crisis counseling for healthcare professionals.
- Therapy Aid Coalition's mission is to develop a national network of psychotherapists, capable of supporting the mental wellness of healthcare professionals and first responders, as well as to respond to crises that occur within the United States. Will help find therapy coverage for your cost needs, ranging from $0, less than $50 or less than $100.
- TWLOHA is a non-profit dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-harm, and suicide. They offer a search tool for free or reduced local mental health resources like counseling, addiction services, and support groups, as well as other services you may need like food, transportation, and more.
- The Emotional PPE Project connects healthcare workers in need with licensed mental health professionals who can help.
- Offers a therapy program that matches you with the right therapist and covers the cost of their first six sessions. This structured support is designed to help individuals process trauma and establish healthy habits as part of their healing journey.
- Through an ANA membership, Moodfit is an app that offers training, journaling, mood tracking, exercise, and nutrition allowing an individual to focus on developing their thoughts, and behaviors to help develop an improved mental health.
- Learn about the PERMA Model, which contains five factors to help you build resilience and well-being, positive emotions, engagement, (positive) relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. Positive psychology shifts traditional ideas of psychology from working on fixing what is 'wrong,' to focusing on what works, on strengths, on skills, and on enhancing the positives. Positive psychology has a lot to teach us about how to achieve and maintain long-term well-being.
- Spiritual well-being is defined as an expanding sense of purpose and meaning in life, including one’s own morals and ethics. Learn more here with Stride, an Australian-based mental health charity.
Workplace Violence Response and Training
- Access the VUMC workplace violence site to learn about what VUMC has in place for prevention, response, and support in addressing workplace violence events. Find policies, reporting via Veritas, support systems, and more.
- Did you know nurses have the highest rate of occupational injury than all other professions according to OSHA? VUMC strives to be the leading standard in occupational safety and is a safe lift facility. Access the safe patient handling site for information on patient lift equipment, including how to properly utilize equipment, instructional videos, purchasing, and safe patient handling champion resources.
- Utilize HR to inquire about services and resources such as PTO, FMLA, employee relations, career plans.
Reporting Work Injuries and Exposures
- Access occupational health to report work-related injuries and exposures. By reporting, VUMC is able better ale to help support you in your recovery and prevention of future injury to yourself and your peers.
- Access Veritas to file work injuries, safety or quality issues, workplace violence events, patient falls, and more. By filing a Veritas, VUMC is able to work with risk management and shared governance entities to analyze potential trends, respond to workplace issues, and address occupational safety, credo, and improvement needs.
- The SHARE Center offers confidential counseling and consultation to VUMC faculty, staff, and Allied Health students who have experienced or witnessed workplace sexual harassment. The SHARE Center is designed to support individuals throughout their experiences and responses to harassment, including before or after making an official report to Human Resources.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Nurse Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work at VUMC is a collaborative effort amongst VUMC Nurse Leaders and staff to strengthen the culture to support and champion nurse workforce diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- VUMC Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Access HR’s Leader Central to use as your leadership resource to help you with leadership training, development, and other needs to help you be the best leader you can for you and your team.
- Work-life balance is crucial in order to best show up for yourself, your loved ones, and your team. Access the Leadership Health, Wellness, and Safety page to support yourself as a leader, help create balance in your life, and access resources to help you support your team with their own
Leadership Tipsheets
- Use the links to access tipsheets on responding to workplace violence events, workplace injuries, and substance abuse.
- Substance Abuse Tipsheet
- Workplace Violence Tipsheet
- Workplace Injury Tipsheet
- Are you a new leader to VUMC or interested in advancing your own leadership skills? Join the LEADS program to help your transition and go in-depth on topics such as nurse advancement, patient experience, HR fundamentals, Myers Briggs, Emotional Intelligent Leader Workshop and more.
- The Manager’s Toolbox includes the “laundry list” all managers need whether that is daily expectations, annual needs, to once in a blue moon resources.
- VUMC nursing is dedicated to ensuring evidence-based practice is met in the care we provide for our patients. If you are interested in learning more about how to better evidence-based practice in your area, VUMC has a team of nurses dedicated to helping. They can help with literature questions, quality improvement projects, research, presentation help, publications, and more.
- The Vanderbilt Professional Nursing Practice Program (VPNPP) is a performance-based career advancement program for nurses. It is supported by the Magnet Framework and a comprehensive performance evaluation system that recognizes and rewards clinical nursing expertise in direct patient care. Access this page to learn how you can continue to advance your nursing career here at VUMC.
- Access the shared governance page to look at what committees and councils VUMC has to offer. Shared Governance supports the principles of decentralized decision-making, shared accountability, and partnerships among all staff to deliver exceptional patient care, improve the quality of care, and enhance work life.
Nursing Education and Professional Development- Identify resources for professional development specific to your entity or unit, contact hour offerings, orientation and onboarding, competencies, nursing certification, and professional development assistance.
Investing, Retirement, and Fidelity Offerings
- Learn more about your finances, investment tips, retirement planning, and what VUMC has to offer through fidelity partnerships focused on helping
you and your financial wellness.
Nurse Student Loan Repayment Program for Nurses
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) offers a student loan repayment program for direct care nurses. VUMC will contribute $500 monthly towards undergraduate student loans for those in good standing. Access page to learn more and sign up if you qualify.
- VUMC offers a wide range of investment and financial planning options.
Financial Planning
- Financial planners advise clients on how best to save, invest, and grow their money. Certified Financial Planners are licensed and regulated professionals. Be sure to check out qualifications before hiring.
- National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
- Financial Planning Association
- Provides free, professional financial counseling to Nashvillians citywide, helping Davidson County residents (and often will see Vanderbilt employees regardless of residence) reduce debt and build assets through free, one-on-one financial counseling.
VUMC Faculty and Staff Hardship Fund
- Established in 1994, this funding assists VUMC faculty and staff who are experiencing a temporary hardship due to a life event. To begin the application process please call: (615) 936-1327
- VUMC partners with community organizations and businesses to offer discounts on goods and services. Search the health and wellness discounts to see discounts on local gyms, spas, and more. VUMC also partners with offer discounts on material goods, apartments, hotels, travel, transportation, recreation, and more.
Professional Development Assistance
Walk Bike Nashville
Get involved with your community and increase your neighborhood’s walkability. Members of Walk Bike Nashville can purchase an unlimited WeGo public transit pass for $25 which allows them to utilize WeGo buses and trains for 12 months and 50% of City Bikes.
Discounted Train Pass
Vanderbilt employee’s receive free WeGo bus rides to and from work by swiping your ID badge and get discounted train rides via parking services. Save money and time on your commute!
- Learn more about your finances, investment tips, retirement planning, and what VUMC has to offer through fidelity partnerships focused on helping