Maternal Fetal Medicine

Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine

The Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine provides expertise in high-risk, complicated pregnancies. We treat any medical condition or pre-existing illness that could affect a pregnancy, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, a history of pre-term labor and delivery, the loss of a pregnancy, multiple babies and genetic diseases. Our focus is helping our patients successfully manage conditions that have the potential to affect pregnancy — paving the way for a healthy pregnancy, a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

Our team consists of physicians who are board certified not only in obstetrics and gynecology, but also in maternal fetal medicine. They are trained in the latest, cutting-edge procedures for the evaluation and treatments in maternal fetal care. Our team is known worldwide for successfully developing and performing complex procedures, including conducting in-utero spina bifida repairs.

Parents and referring providers from across the nation turn to the Fetal Center at Vanderbilt when they have concerns for the unborn child. Our Maternal Fetal Medicine faculty work with experts in Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery to form the foundation of the multidisciplinary Fetal Center at Vanderbilt.

The Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine is dedicated to excellence in teaching and is responsible for educating students, residents and fellows in the diagnosis and treatment of medical and fetal complications during pregnancy. We offer a three-year MFM Fellowship program designed to incorporate clinical, surgical, research and educational activities in maternal fetal medicine. Our program is approved by ACGME and ABOG and combines exceptional high volume clinical training in High-Risk Obstetrics with a wide variety of research opportunities to prepare trainees for a future in academic medicine, research, and/or community-based practice.

Division Director and Faculty


Kelly A. Bennett, MD 
Director, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Vice Chair of Research
Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Faculty Members
Lavenia Carpenter, MD
Emad Elsamadicy, MD
Eoti Garrison, MD, PhD

Luke Gatta, MD

Matthew Grace, MD
Laura Houston, MD, MSCR
Andrea Johnson, MD
Rolanda Lister, MD

Dennis McWeeney, DO
J Newton, MD, PhD
Sarah Osmundson, MD, MS
Soha Patel, MD, MS, MSPH

Amelie Pham, MD

Jennifer Thompson, MD