Rumph J, Stephens V, Ameli S, Gaines P, Osteen K, Nde P, Bruner-Tran K. A Paternal Fish Oil Diet Preconception Modulates the Gut Microbiome and Attenuates Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Neonatal Mice Marine Drugs. 20(6):390.
Rumph JT, Rayford KJ, Stephens VR, Ameli S, Nde PN, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. A Preconception Paternal Fish Oil Diet Prevents Toxicant-Driven New Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Neonatal Mice. Toxics. 2021 Dec 27;10(10).
Stephens VR, Rumph JT, Ameli S, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. The Potential Relationship Between Environmental Endocrine Disruptor Exposure and the Development of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Frontiers in physiology. 12(12). 807685 p.
Guevara MA, Lu J, Moore RE, Chambers SA, Eastman AJ, Francis JD, Noble KN, Doster RS, Osteen KG, Damo SM, Manning SD, Aronoff DM, Halasa NB, Townsend SD, Gaddy JA. Vitamin D and Streptococci: The Interface of Nutrition, Host Immune Response, and Antimicrobial Activity in Response to Infection. ACS infectious diseases. 2020 Dec 11;6(6). 3131-3140. NIHMSID: NIHMS1664759.
Mokshagundam S, Ding T, Rumph JT, Dallas M, Stephens VR, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Developmental 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure of either parent enhances the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in neonatal mice. Birth defects research. 2020 Dec;112(112). 1209-1223.
Rumph JT, Stephens VR, Archibong AE, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Endometriosis. Advances in anatomy, embryology, and cell biology. 232(232). 57-78. NIHMSID: NIHMS1679893.
Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran K, Lu J, Smith C, Ding T, Gnecco J. Hemodynamic forces enhance decidualization via endothelial-derived prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin in a microfluidic model of the human endometrium. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 2019 Apr 1;34(34). 702-714.
Menon R, Aronoff D, Rogers L, Osteen K, Ding T, Gnecco J, Richardson L. Fetal Membrane Organ-On-Chip: An Innovative Approach to Study Cellular Interactions. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2019 Feb 21. 1933719119828084 p.
Edwards TL, Giri A, Hellwege JN, Hartmann KE, Stewart EA, Jeff JM, Bray MJ, Pendergrass SA, Torstenson ES, Keaton JM, Jones SH, Gogoi RP, Kuivaniemi H, Jackson KL, Kho AN, Kullo IJ, McCarty CA, Im HK, Pacheco JA, Pathak J, Williams MS, Tromp G, Kenny EE, Peissig PL, Denny JC, Roden DM, Velez Edwards DR. A -Ethnic Genome-Wide Association Study of Uterine Fibroids. Frontiers in genetics. 10(10). 511 p.
Rogers LM, Anders AP, Doster RS, Gill EA, Gnecco JS, Holley JM, Randis TM, Ratner AJ, Gaddy JA, Osteen K, Aronoff DM. Decidual stromal cell-derived PGE regulates macrophage responses to microbial threat. American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989). 2018 Aug 7. e13032.
Bruner-Tran KL, Mokshagundam S, Herington JL, Ding T, Osteen KG. Rodent Models of Experimental Endometriosis: Identifying Mechanisms of Disease and Therapeutic Targets. Current women's health reviews. 2018 Jun;14(14). 173-188.
Ding T, Mokshagundam S, Rinaudo PF, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Paternal developmental toxicant exposure is associated with epigenetic modulation of sperm and placental Pgr and Igf2 in a mouse model. Biology of reproduction. 2018 May 7.
Gnecco JS, Anders AP, Cliffel D, Pensabene V, Rogers LM, Osteen K, Aronoff DM. Instrumenting a Fetal Membrane on a Chip as Emerging Technology for Preterm Birth Research. Current pharmaceutical design. 2017 Aug 25.
Stocks MM, Crispens MA, Ding T, Mokshagundam S, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. Therapeutically Targeting the Inflammasome Product in a Chimeric Model of Endometriosis-Related Surgical Adhesions. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2017 Aug;24(24). 1121-1128.
Gnecco JS, Pensabene V, Li DJ, Ding T, Hui EE, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. Compartmentalized Culture of Perivascular Stroma and Endothelial Cells in a Microfluidic Model of the Human Endometrium. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2017 Jul;45(45). 1758-1769.
Ding T, Lambert LA, Aronoff DM, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Sex-Dependent Influence of Developmental Toxicant Exposure on Group B Streptococcus-Mediated Preterm Birth in a Murine Model. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2017 Jan 1. 1933719117741378 p.
Bruner-Tran KL, Duleba AJ, Taylor HS, Osteen KG. Developmental Toxicant Exposure Is Associated with Transgenerational Adenomyosis in a Murine Model. Biology of reproduction. 2016 Aug 17.
Bruner-Tran KL, Gnecco J, Ding T, Glore DR, Pensabene V, Osteen KG. Exposure to the environmental endocrine disruptor TCDD and human reproductive dysfunction: Translating lessons from murine models. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 2016 Jul 14.
Hutson MS, Alexander P, Allwardt V, Aronoff DM, Bruner-Tran KL, Cliffel D, Davidson J, Gough A, Markov D, McCawley L, McKenzie J, McLean J, Osteen K, Pensabene V, Senutovitch NK, Sherrod S, Shotwell M, Taylor L, Tetz L, Tuan R, Vernetti L, Wikswo JP. Organs-on-Chips as Bridges for Predictive Toxicology Applied In Vitro Toxicology. 2016 Jun 15;2(2). 97-102.
Palmer SS, Altan M, Denis D, Tos EG, Gotteland JP, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Nataraja SG. Bentamapimod (JNK Inhibitor AS602801) Induces Regression of Endometriotic Lesions in Animal Models. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2016 Jan;23(23). 11-23.
Arosh JA, Lee J, Balasubbramanian D, Stanley JA, Long CR, Meagher MW, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Burghardt RC, Starzinski-Powitz A, Banu SK. Molecular and preclinical basis to inhibit PGE2 receptors EP2 and EP4 as a novel nonsteroidal therapy for endometriosis In: PNAS 2015. 2015 Jul 21.
Bruner-Tran KL, Ding T, Yeoman KB, Archibong A, Arosh JA, Osteen KG. Developmental exposure of mice to dioxin promotes transgenerational testicular inflammation and an increased risk of preterm birth in unexposed mating partners. PloS one. 9(9). e105084.
Halder SK, Osteen KG, Al-Hendy A. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 reduces extracellular matrix-associated protein expression in human uterine fibroid cells. Biology of reproduction. 2013 Dec;89(89). 150 p.
Halder SK, Osteen KG, Al-Hendy A. Vitamin D3 inhibits expression and activities of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 in human uterine fibroid cells. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 2013 Sep;28(28). 2407-16.
Bruner-Tran KL, Herington JL, Duleba AJ, Taylor HS, Osteen KG. Medical management of endometriosis: emerging evidence linking inflammation to disease pathophysiology. Minerva ginecologica. 2013 Apr;65(65). 199-213. NIHMSID: NIHMS493941.
Villanueva JA, Sokalska A, Cress AB, Ortega I, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG, Duleba AJ. Resveratrol potentiates effect of simvastatin on inhibition of mevalonate pathway in human endometrial stromal cells. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2013 Mar;98(98). E455-62.
Sokalska A, Anderson M, Villanueva J, Ortega I, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG, Duleba AJ. Effects of simvastatin on retinoic acid system in primary human endometrial stromal cells and in a chimeric model of human endometriosis. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2013 Mar;98(98). E463-71.
Herington JL, Glore DR, Lucas JA, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Dietary fish oil supplementation inhibits formation of endometriosis-associated adhesions in a chimeric mouse model. Fertility and sterility. 2013 Feb;99(99). 543-50. NIHMSID: NIHMS412716.
Resuehr D, Glore DR, Taylor HS, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. Progesterone-dependent regulation of endometrial cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1-R) expression is disrupted in women with endometriosis and in isolated stromal cells exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Fertility and sterility. 2012 Oct;98(98). 948-56.e1. NIHMSID: NIHMS394082.
Bruner-Tran KL, Resuehr D, Ding T, Lucas JA, Osteen KG. The Role of Endocrine Disruptors in the Epigenetics of Reproductive Disease and Dysfunction: Potential Relevance to Humans. Current obstetrics and gynecology reports. 2012 Sep 1;1(1). 116-123. NIHMSID: NIHMS490916.
Sokalska A, Cress A, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG, Taylor HS, Ortega I, Duleba AJ. Simvastatin decreases invasiveness of human endometrial stromal cells. Biology of reproduction. 2012 Jul;87(87). 2, 1-6.
Cakmak H, Basar M, Seval-Celik Y, Osteen KG, Duleba AJ, Taylor HS, Lockwood CJ, Arici A. Statins inhibit monocyte chemotactic protein 1 expression in endometriosis. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2012 Jun;19(19). 572-9.
Taylor HS, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Lockwood CJ, Krikun G, Sokalska A, Duleba AJ. Novel therapies targeting endometriosis. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2011 Sep;18(18). 814-23.
Herington JL, Bruner-Tran KL, Lucas JA, Osteen KG. Immune interactions in endometriosis. Expert review of clinical immunology. 2011 Sep;7(7). 611-26. NIHMSID: NIHMS327000.
McConaha ME, Ding T, Lucas JA, Arosh JA, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Preconception omega-3 fatty acid supplementation of adult male mice with a history of developmental 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure prevents preterm birth in unexposed female partners. Reproduction (Cambridge, England). 2011 Aug;142(142). 235-41. NIHMSID: NIHMS490924.
Ding T, McConaha M, Boyd KL, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL. Developmental dioxin exposure of either parent is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth in adult mice. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 2011 Apr;31(31). 351-8. NIHMSID: NIHMS253696.
Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. Developmental exposure to TCDD reduces fertility and negatively affects pregnancy outcomes across multiple generations. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 2011 Apr;31(31). 344-50. NIHMSID: NIHMS246980.
Herington JL, Crispens MA, Carvalho-Macedo AC, Camargos AF, Lebovic DI, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. Development and prevention of postsurgical adhesions in a chimeric mouse model of experimental endometriosis. Fertility and sterility. 2011 Mar 15;95(95). 1295-301.e1. NIHMSID: NIHMS247160.
Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG, Taylor HS, Sokalska A, Haines K, Duleba AJ. Resveratrol inhibits development of experimental endometriosis in vivo and reduces endometrial stromal cell invasiveness in vitro. Biology of reproduction. 2011 Jan;84(84). 106-12.
Bruner-Tran KL, Carvalho-Macedo AC, Duleba AJ, Crispens MA, Osteen KG. Experimental endometriosis in immunocompromised mice after adoptive transfer of human leukocytes. Fertility and sterility. 2010 May 15;93(93). 2519-24. NIHMSID: NIHMS122959.
Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG. Dioxin-like PCBs and endometriosis. Systems biology in reproductive medicine. 2010 Apr;56(56). 132-46. NIHMSID: NIHMS197485.
Krikun G, Hu Z, Osteen K, Bruner-Tran KL, Schatz F, Taylor HS, Toti P, Arcuri F, Konigsberg W, Garen A, Booth CJ, Lockwood CJ. The immunoconjugate "icon" targets aberrantly expressed endothelial tissue factor causing regression of endometriosis. The American journal of pathology. 2010 Feb;176(176). 1050-6.
Bruner-Tran KL, Ding T, Osteen KG. Dioxin and endometrial progesterone resistance. Seminars in reproductive medicine. 2010 Jan;28(28). 59-68. NIHMSID: NIHMS197828.
Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG, Duleba AJ. Simvastatin protects against the development of endometriosis in a nude mouse model. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2009 Jul;94(94). 2489-94.
Bruner-Tran KL, Yeaman GR, Crispens MA, Igarashi TM, Osteen KG. Dioxin may promote inflammation-related development of endometriosis. Fertility and sterility. 2008 May;89(89). 1287-98. NIHMSID: NIHMS51784.
Bruner-Tran KL, Zhang Z, Eisenberg E, Winneker RC, Osteen KG. Down-regulation of endometrial matrix metalloproteinase-3 and -7 expression in vitro and therapeutic regression of experimental endometriosis in vivo by a novel nonsteroidal progesterone receptor agonist, tanaproget. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2006 Apr;91(91). 1554-60.
ArrayKurita T, Medina R, Schabel AB, Young P, Gama P, Parekh TV, Brody J, Cunha GR, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Gold LI. The activation function-1 domain of estrogen receptor alpha in uterine stromal cells is required for mouse but not human uterine epithelial response to estrogen. Differentiation; research in biological diversity. 2005 Jul;73(73). 313-22.
Igarashi TM, Bruner-Tran KL, Yeaman GR, Lessey BA, Edwards DP, Eisenberg E, Osteen KG. Reduced expression of progesterone receptor-B in the endometrium of women with endometriosis and in cocultures of endometrial cells exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Fertility and sterility. 2005 Jul;84(84). 67-74.
Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Eisenberg E. Endometrial biology and the etiology of endometriosis. Fertility and sterility. 2005 Jul;84(84). 33-4; discussion 38-9.
Harris HA, Bruner-Tran KL, Zhang X, Osteen KG, Lyttle CR. A selective estrogen receptor-beta agonist causes lesion regression in an experimentally induced model of endometriosis. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 2005 Apr;20(20). 936-41.
Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Eisenberg E. Reduced progesterone action during endometrial maturation: a potential risk factor for the development of endometriosis. Fertility and sterility. 2005 Mar;83(83). 529-37.
Osteen KG, Igarashi TM, Yeaman GR, Bruner-Tran KL. Steroid and cytokine regulation of matrix metalloproteinases and the pathophysiology of endometriosis. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation. 57(57). 53-4.
Curry TE, Osteen KG. The matrix metalloproteinase system: changes, regulation, and impact throughout the ovarian and uterine reproductive cycle. Endocrine reviews. 2003 Aug;24(24). 428-65.
Hull ML, Charnock-Jones DS, Chan CL, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG, Tom BD, Fan TP, Smith SK. Antiangiogenic agents are effective inhibitors of endometriosis. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2003 Jun;88(88). 2889-99.
Osteen KG, Yeaman GR, Bruner-Tran KL. Matrix metalloproteinases and endometriosis. Seminars in reproductive medicine. 2003 May;21(21). 155-64.
Apparao KB, Illera MJ, Beyler SA, Olson GE, Osteen KG, Corjay MH, Boggess K, Lessey BA. Regulated expression of osteopontin in the peri-implantation rabbit uterus. Biology of reproduction. 2003 May;68(68). 1484-90.
Osteen KG, Igarashi TM, Bruner-Tran KL. Progesterone action in the human endometrium: induction of a unique tissue environment which limits matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library. 2003 Jan 1;8(8). d78-86.
Cornet PB, Picquet C, Lemoine P, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Tabibzadeh S, Courtoy PJ, Eeckhout Y, Marbaix E, Henriet P. Regulation and function of LEFTY-A/EBAF in the human endometrium. mRNA expression during the menstrual cycle, control by progesterone, and effect on matrix metalloprotineases. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2002 Nov 8;277(277). 42496-504.
Bruner-Tran KL, Eisenberg E, Yeaman GR, Anderson TA, McBean J, Osteen KG. Steroid and cytokine regulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression in endometriosis and the establishment of experimental endometriosis in nude mice. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2002 Oct;87(87). 4782-91.
Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Keller NR, Eisenberg E. Progesterone-mediated endometrial maturation limits matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression in an inflammatory-like environment: a regulatory system altered in endometriosis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2002 Mar;955(955). 37-47; discussion 86-8, 396-406.
Bruner-Tran KL, Webster-Clair D, Osteen KG. Experimental endometriosis: the nude mouse as a xenographic host. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2002 Mar;955(955). 328-39; discussion 340-2, 396-406.
Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Ong D, Eisenberg E. Paracrine mediators of endometrial matrix metalloproteinase expression: potential targets for progestin-based treatment of endometriosis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2002 Mar;955(955). 139-46; discussion 157-8, 396-406.
Bofinger DP, Feng L, Chi LH, Love J, Stephen FD, Sutter TR, Osteen KG, Costich TG, Batt RE, Koury ST, Olson JR. Effect of TCDD exposure on CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 expression in explant cultures of human endometrium. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. 2001 Aug;62(62). 299-314.
Curry TE, Osteen KG. Cyclic changes in the matrix metalloproteinase system in the ovary and uterus. Biology of reproduction. 2001 May;64(64). 1285-96.
Keller NR, Sierra-Rivera E, Eisenberg E, Osteen KG. Progesterone exposure prevents matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) stimulation by interleukin-1alpha in human endometrial stromal cells. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2000 Apr;85(85). 1611-9.
Zheng WL, Sierra-Rivera E, Luan J, Osteen KG, Ong DE. Retinoic acid synthesis and expression of cellular retinol-binding protein and cellular retinoic acid-binding protein type II are concurrent with decidualization of rat uterine stromal cells. Endocrinology. 2000 Feb;141(141). 802-8.
Hill GA, Osteen KG. The effect of insulin on in vitro progesterone production of human granulosa cells. International journal of fertility. 37(37). 93-8.
Bruner-Tran K, Mokshagundam S, Barlow A, Ding T, Osteen K. Paternal Environmental Toxicant Exposure and Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports. Springer US; 8(8). 103-113.
Nayyar T, Bruner-Tran KL, Piestrzeniewicz-Ulanska D, Osteen KG. Developmental exposure of mice to TCDD elicits a similar uterine phenotype in adult animals as observed in women with endometriosis. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 23(23). 326-36. NIHMSID: NIHMS22042.
Bruner KL, Eisenberg E, Gorstein F, Osteen KG. Progesterone and transforming growth factor-beta coordinately regulate suppression of endometrial matrix metalloproteinases in a model of experimental endometriosis. Steroids. 1999 Sep;64(64). 648-53.
Bruner-Tran KL, Rier SE, Eisenberg E, Osteen KG. The potential role of environmental toxins in the pathophysiology of endometriosis. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation. 48 Suppl 1(48 Suppl 1). 45-56.
Osteen KG, Keller NR, Feltus FA, Melner MH. Paracrine regulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression in the normal human endometrium. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation. 48 Suppl 1(48 Suppl 1). 2-13.
Zheng WL, Bucco RA, Sierra-Rievera E, Osteen KG, Melner MH, Ong DE. Synthesis of retinoic acid by rat ovarian cells that express cellular retinoic acid-binding protein-II. Biology of reproduction. 1999 Jan;60(60). 110-4.
Osteen KG, Sierra-Rivera E, Keller NR, Fox DB. Interleukin-1 alpha opposes progesterone-mediated suppression of MMP-7. A possible role of this cytokine during human implantation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1997 Sep 26;828(828). 137-45.
Bruner KL, Matrisian LM, Rodgers WH, Gorstein F, Osteen KG. Suppression of matrix metalloproteinases inhibits establishment of ectopic lesions by human endometrium in nude mice. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1997 Jun 15;99(99). 2851-7.
Bucco RA, Zheng WL, Davis JT, Sierra-Rivera E, Osteen KG, Chaudhary AK, Ong DE. Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein(II) presence in rat uterine epithelial cells correlates with their synthesis of retinoic acid. Biochemistry. 1997 Apr 1;36(36). 4009-14.
Osteen KG, Sierra-Rivera E. Does disruption of immune and endocrine systems by environmental toxins contribute to development of endometriosis? Seminars in reproductive endocrinology. 15(15). 301-8.
Osteen KG, Bruner KL, Sharpe-Timms KL. Steroid and growth factor regulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression and endometriosis. Seminars in reproductive endocrinology. 1996 Aug;14(14). 247-55.
Bucco RA, Zheng WL, Wardlaw SA, Davis JT, Sierra-Rivera E, Osteen KG, Melner MH, Kakkad BP, Ong DE. Regulation and localization of cellular retinol-binding protein, retinol-binding protein, cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (CRABP), and CRABP II in the uterus of the pseudopregnant rat. Endocrinology. 1996 Jul;137(137). 3111-22.
Bruner KL, Rodgers WH, Gold LI, Korc M, Hargrove JT, Matrisian LM, Osteen KG. Transforming growth factor beta mediates the progesterone suppression of an epithelial metalloproteinase by adjacent stroma in the human endometrium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1995 Aug 1;92(92). 7362-6.
Osteen KG, Rodgers WH, Gaire M, Hargrove JT, Gorstein F, Matrisian LM. Stromal-epithelial interaction mediates steroidal regulation of metalloproteinase expression in human endometrium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1994 Oct 11;91(91). 10129-33.
Rodgers WH, Matrisian LM, Giudice LC, Dsupin B, Cannon P, Svitek C, Gorstein F, Osteen KG. Patterns of matrix metalloproteinase expression in cycling endometrium imply differential functions and regulation by steroid hormones. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1994 Sep;94(94). 946-53.
Matrisian LM, Gaire M, Rodgers WH, Osteen KG. Metalloproteinase expression and hormonal regulation during tissue remodeling in the cycling human endometrium. Contributions to nephrology. 107(107). 94-100.
Vasquez JM, Eisenberg E, Osteen KG, Hickerson D, Diamond MP. Laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis using the cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. 1993 Nov;1(1). 36-42.
Bastias MC, Kamijo H, Osteen KG. Assessment of human sperm functional changes after in-vitro coincubation with cells retrieved from the human female reproductive tract. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 1993 Oct;8(8). 1670-7.
Rodgers WH, Osteen KG, Matrisian LM, Navre M, Giudice LC, Gorstein F. Expression and localization of matrilysin, a matrix metalloproteinase, in human endometrium during the reproductive cycle. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 1993 Jan;168(168). 253-60.
Freeman MR, Bastias MC, Hill GA, Osteen KG. Coculture of mouse embryos with cells isolated from the human ovarian follicle, oviduct, and uterine endometrium. Fertility and sterility. 1993 Jan;59(59). 138-42.
Osteen KG, Anderson TL, Schwartz K, Hargrove JT, Gorstein F. Distribution of tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72) expression throughout the normal female reproductive tract. International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists. 1992 Jul;11(11). 216-20.
Osteen KG, Anderson TL. Effect of estrogen on human endometrial epithelial cell growth and differentiation in vitro. Steroids. 1991 May;56(56). 279-83.
Shah DM, Higuchi K, Inagami T, Osteen KG. Effect of progesterone on renin secretion in endometrial stromal, chorionic trophoblast, and mesenchymal monolayer cultures. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 1991 Apr;164(164). 1145-50.
Segars JH, Hill GA, Bryan SH, Herbert CM, Osteen KG, Rogers BJ, Wentz AC. The use of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) in good responders undergoing repeat in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET). Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : IVF. 1990 Dec;7(7). 327-31.
Osteen KG, Anderson TL, Hargrove JT, Hill GA, Gorstein F. Epithelial cells from normal human endometrium express a tumor-associated glycoprotein (TAG-72) epitope in vitro. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 1990 Aug;163(163). 479-84.
Anderson TL, Gorstein F, Osteen KG. Stromal-epithelial cell communication, growth factors, and tissue regulation. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. 1990 May;62(62). 519-21.
Herbert CM, Hill GA, Maxson WS, Wentz AC, Osteen KG. Use of a sensitive urine pregnancy test before endometrial biopsies taken in the late luteal phase. Fertility and sterility. 1990 Jan;53(53). 162-4.
Osteen KG, Hill GA, Hargrove JT, Gorstein F. Development of a method to isolate and culture highly purified populations of stromal and epithelial cells from human endometrial biopsy specimens. Fertility and sterility. 1989 Dec;52(52). 965-72.
Hill GA, Freeman M, Bastias MC, Rogers BJ, Herbert CM, Osteen KG, Wentz AC. The influence of oocyte maturity and embryo quality on pregnancy rate in a program for in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. Fertility and sterility. 1989 Nov;52(52). 801-6.
Blackburn DG, Osteen KG, Winfrey VP, Hoffman LH. Obplacental giant cells of the domestic rabbit: development, morphology, and intermediate filament composition. Journal of morphology. 1989 Nov;202(202). 185-203.
Segars JH, Niblack GD, Osteen KG, Rogers BJ, Wentz AC. The human blastocyst produces a soluble factor(s) that interferes with lymphocyte proliferation. Fertility and sterility. 1989 Sep;52(52). 381-7.
Hill GA, Osteen KG. Follicular fluid steroid content and in vitro steroid secretion by granulosa-lutein cells from individual follicles among different stimulation protocols for in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : IVF. 1989 Aug;6(6). 201-6.
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Webster BW, Diamond MP, Osteen KG, Wentz AC. Endocrine profile of follicles containing oocytes with subsequent polyploid fertilization. Fertility and sterility. 1988 Nov;50(50). 727-31.
Skinner MK, Osteen KG. Developmental and hormonal regulation of bovine granulosa cell function in the preovulatory follicle. Endocrinology. 1988 Sep;123(123). 1668-75.
Pandey KN, Osteen KG, Inagami T. Specific receptor-mediated stimulation of progesterone secretion and cGMP accumulation by rat atrial natriuretic factor in cultured human granulosa-lutein (G-L) cells. Endocrinology. 1987 Sep;121(121). 1195-7.
Hill GA, Herbert CM, Wentz AC, Osteen KG. Use of individual human follicles to compare oocyte in vitro fertilization to granulosa cell in vitro luteinization. Fertility and sterility. 1987 Aug;48(48). 258-64.
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Hill GA, Diamond MP, Maxson WS, Herbert CM, Webster BW, Vaughn WK, Osteen KG, Rogers BJ, Wentz AC. Combination clomiphene citrate/human menopausal gonadotropin stimulation protocols for in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : IVF. 1987 Feb;4(4). 34-9.
Diamond MP, Hill GA. Comparison of human menopausal gonadotropin, clomiphene citrate, and combined human menopausal gonadotropin-clomiphene citrate stimulation protocols for in vitro fertilization. Fertility and sterility. 1986 Dec;46(46). 1108-12.
Diamond MP, Maxson WS, Vaughn WK, Osteen KG, Wentz AC. Antiestrogenic effect of clomiphene citrate in a multiple follicular stimulation protocol. Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : IVF. 1986 Apr;3(3). 106-9.
Diamond MP, Webster BW, Carr RK, Wentz AC, Osteen KG. Human follicular fluid insulin concentrations. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 1985 Nov;61(61). 990-2.
Osteen KG, Anderson LD, Reichert LE, Channing CP. Follicular fluid modulation of functional LH receptor induction in pig granulosa cells. Journal of reproduction and fertility. 1985 Jul;74(74). 407-18.
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