OCCAM-BNNP YouTube video about functional neurological disorders with Dr. Holden, available at https://youtu.be/3SxGLkoKJgk
Perez DL, Aybek S, Popkirov S, Kozlowska K, Stephen CD, Anderson J, Shura R, Ducharme S, Carson A, Hallett M, Nicholson TR, Stone J, LaFrance WC, Voon V. A Review and Expert Opinion on the Neuropsychiatric Assessment of Motor Functional Neurological Disorders. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 33(33). 14-26. PMID: 32778007 [PubMed]
Voon V, Cavanna AE, Coburn K, Sampson S, Reeve A, LaFrance WC. Functional Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Functional Neurological Disorders (Conversion Disorder). The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 28(28). 168-90. PMID: 26900733 [PubMed]
Stone J, Carson A. Functional neurologic disorders. Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.). 2015 Jun;21(21). 818-37. PMID: 26039857 [PubMed]