Edward Chaum, M.D., Ph.D.

Margy Ann and J. Donald M. Gass Chair


M.D. - Cornell University Medical College

Ph.D.- Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Residency-  Massachusetts General Hospital (Peds); Boston University Hospital (Ophthalmology)

Fellowship - Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary


Dr. Chaum specializes in all aspects of the medical and surgical management of retinal diseases, with particular interests in macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and telemedicine. Dr. Chaum is the emeritus Plough Foundation Professor of Retinal Diseases at  the University of Tennessee Hamilton Eye Institute. His obtained his undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University and both an MD and PhD from Cornell University. He completed residencies in pediatrics (Harvard) and ophthalmology (Boston University) and received his retina surgical training at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (Harvard). He is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions throughout his academic career including National Eye Institute Research Career Award, Best Doctors in America, Research to Prevent Blindness Senior Scientist Award,  R&D 100 Award, and American Telemedicine Association Innovation Award.

Dr. Chaum’s research focuses on translational tissue and biomedical engineering, telemedicine, and the application of biosensors, new materials, and novel technologies to clinical medicine and surgery. He is the author of over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts in the fields of molecular biology, biomedical engineering, image analysis, and clinical medicine, including 5 book chapters and a leading textbook of ocular anatomy. He is a listed co-author in over 200 national clinical trials publications. He has 13 issued international bioengineering patents and is a serial entrepreneur.