Friday, April 12, 2024
Time: 7:00am - 4:15pm
Location: Light Hall, Room 202- Vanderbilt University Medical Center
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International Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (IJCAHPO) ___7.0___ (Group A)
American Orthoptic Council (AOC) _Core: 1.0_(Amblyopia and Strabismus) Non-core: __6.0___ Total:__7.0__
Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society (OPS) 1:1 credits: 7.0__ 1:2 credits: __0.0____
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) Contact Hours__7.0__ _
This course is not sponsored by IJCAHPO; only reviewed for compliance with IJCAHPO standards and criteria and awarded continuing education credit; accordingly, therefore, IJCAHPO cannot predict the effectiveness of the program or assure its quality in substance and presentation. This activity is eligible for 7.0 nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) contact hours and is approved for continuing education credits for IJCAHPO, AOC, and OPS.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nursing Education and Professional Development, is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Event Details
Technicians, nurses, photographers and orthoptists work very closely with their physicians. Their initial workups and ancillary testing are paramount in good patient care. The program will highlight the different disciplines in ophthalmology, Retina, Glaucoma, Neuro, Cornea, Plastics and Strabismus. The technician will describe the necessary workups and the physicians will expand on how they use these tests to make decisions on the management of their patients. The participants will also be introduced to the scientific research that is being done at Vanderbilt Eye Institute. The resident physicians will discuss some interesting and difficult case presentations.
Homise Johnson @ or 615-936-0133