Joshua Robinson, OD
My research is aimed at improving the lives of individuals suffering from irreversible vision loss. With the increasing prevalence of age-related eye conditions running parallel to the aging of the United States population, this work will continue to be of growing importance. Most of my work has focused on the impact assistive technology has on visually impaired individuals. I have ongoing projects assessing the driving habits and psychosocial adaptation needs of visually impaired populations. Further projects are looking at the referral patterns and low vision rehabilitation familiarity level among practicing ophthalmologists, as well as the low vision rehabilitation training components incorporated into ophthalmology residency programs throughout the US. Ultimately, my work is all aimed at further developing low vision rehabilitation training programs and clinical care paradigms to best serve a growing population of individuals dealing with permanent vision loss.
Robinson J, Braimah V, Chun R, Pusateri G, Jay WM. Usage of Accessibility Options for the iPhone and iPad in a Visually Impaired Population. Seminars in Ophthalmol 2017; 32(2): 163-71.
Pang Y, Allen M, Robinson J, Frantz KA. Contrast sensitivity of amblyopic eyes in children with myopic anisometropia. Clin Exp Optom 2019; 102: 57-62.”