Room Scheduling Policies & Procedures


Rooms may be reserved for regular building hours which are 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday and from 6:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Reservations for facilities before and/or after these hours requires specific permission from this department.

Rooms are scheduled on a semester basis in accordance with Medical School Policy. Room confirmations for events scheduled in the fall semester (June through December) can be provided in May through December. Room confirmation for events scheduled in the spring semester and/or summer (January through late May) can be provided in December through May.

Please Note: Special situations may arise which result in room changes, confirmation delays, and/or cancelations. In the event this occurs, you will be notified as soon as possible. Changes to configuration of rooms with movable partition walls must be requested at least 48 hours in advance.

Scheduling Priorities

1. All medical/graduate student activities relating to the M.D. or Ph.D. degree.

2. All other medical/graduate student activities.

3. Medical Center personnel holding activities directly related to the goals and priorities of the Medical Center.

4. Medical Center personnel holding activities indirectly related to the goals and priorities of the Medical Center.

5. Other activities relating to the University and its associated memberships.

Audio Visual Support

A data projector and computer are standard in all rooms. Certain rooms contain other pieces of standard equipment. Media Services can give more specific details. Scheduling of additional equipment and/or technician must be done through  Media Services. Rental fees will be assessed for additional equipment and/or services in accordance with the published price list.

Smoking is not allowed anywhere in Light Hall in accordance with the Medical Center Smoking Policy.

Eating and drinking is not allowed in the laboratories.  Users are responsible for room cleanup of classrooms when serving refreshments or food of any type.

Alcohol In accordance with Medical Center policy. Dr. Donald Brady and his team are the designated approvers for alcohol in Office of Support Services managed facilities.

Displays Written approval from the dean or associate dean to display any type of equipment, products, or literature, including vendor-sponsored events, must be obtained prior to scheduling any Light Hall space.

Room Scheduling Procedures

All requests for rooms must be approved in advance.

Electronic Room Requests Forms can be found here.

Incomplete or illegible forms will result in delays in processing or rejection of request.

A Room Confirmation Report will be returned to requested for all approved requests.


Read the Confirmation Report carefully! Changes to the request will be noted on this report. The printed report supersedes any verbal commitments.