Welcome to Patient Education

A nurse educates a patient about her medicine.

What we do

We work with providers across Vanderbilt Health to create high-quality, health literate education materials for patients and caregivers. 

About our education materials

These documents:

  • make it easy for patients and caregivers to understand a procedure or diagnosis
  • use health literate content, layout, and design
  • encourage and empower patients to take care of their health
  • are easy for providers to access through Krames and eDocs.

About health literacy

Health literacy is our mission. Our materials follow strict health literacy guidelines to ensure all patients and caregivers can understand their health experience. Learn more about health literacy.

Our team

Lori Anne Parker-Danley, Ph.D. 

Jack Wong, M.P.H, CHES
Sr Program Manager

Christy Latshaw 
Managing Editor

Michael Mueller, M.S. 
Managing Editor

Karen Bryan, M.Ed.

Niyme Griffin, B.S. Pharm, CT ENG>SPA

Clare Kelley, M.S., CCLS